Nvidia buys Ageia

Very good news. I can expect some excellent cards I can't buy in the future.
It was either:
A)Having your company being bought out by NVIDIA.
B)Your company going bankrupt.
Wait, didn't this happen already? Or didn't at least something between them happen involving the physics chip?
Just a matter of time now for nVidia to implement the physics engine onto their line of new video cards. As motherboards advance, PCI slots seem to dwindle & a lot of people are not going to want an extra card installed taking up a valuable slot. Now it'll all be on one card.

Very interesting. I wonder what the next few months might bring.

That's a sign!

A sign that we have to start saving money asap! :D
Well, this puts an end to Valve's plans of unifying everything on the CPU, methinks.
That plan didn't really look like it would come to fruition anyway.
does this mean that nvidia will have propietrary control of physics in game? meaning developers would have to code separately for both nvidia and ati? ..not too comfortable with the idea of a 3rd party having that much control over content
Share technology with Ati :O
For a large, large price.
Doing physics on the GPU was up in the air because intel bought havok. Physics on CPUs with havok is probably still a go. Nvidia could just slap ageia hardware on their cards. MS has not adopted a physics API yet for DX. Could go for ageia stuff, havok or their own.

Im not worried yet, things are just starting to get moving.
Doing physics on the GPU was up in the air because intel bought havok. Physics on CPUs with havok is probably still a go. Nvidia could just slap ageia hardware on their cards. MS has not adopted a physics API yet for DX. Could go for ageia stuff, havok or their own.
OR developers could not be retards, ignore the Ageia thing completely, and code engine physics to utilize multicore CPUs. One core is more than enough to process the most complex in-game physics. The bottleneck is always graphics.