(o) : Galoot3000's big comic book thing.

Apr 16, 2004
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I've been working on this for a while, I haven't really drawn much more of it in a month or so, but I've been writing the script which is taking pretty long. Overall, it should be somewhere around 200-300 pages and I don't plan on posting them all. I will post them if there is a demand, but I don't count on that. Hopefully, maybe I can sell it sometime, once it's done. Enjoy.

Page one:

Page two:

Page three:

I have most of page 4 done, so that may be up soon. Tell me what you think.
I like the art style, it's very scratchy and dark, much like Johnny. I presume that was an inspiration? Anyway, the opening is good (I like the snow metaphor hehe), but I think the third page is slightly random. I mean, even if you ARE representing that the average man is pushed so far over the edge in this grim future, to the point of killing someone- I found the fact he whipped out a gun a bit of a suprise. Plus, we've only just been introduced to the main character, and he's already involved in a fight, which tends to be a bad idea because the reader doesn't know enough about the character to actually care what happens. I'm only really sayiong this because you said it would be 200 - 300 pages long (which is a ridiculous amount to be honest), and with a comic of this size you should have a little more development first.

But other than that I really like it, and I'd love you to post more, because I lvoe your artwork and it's interesting to read :D
Well, yeah. I know it might seem ridiculous right now, but I have planned it to be that way. I guess you just have to let it unfold. If you don't want to let it unfold and hear what's all going on, here you go:
The man who has pulled out the gun is actually a hired detective/hitman hired to kill the main character. The main character is leading a rebellion group who is trying to take control of the country.

Yes, Johnny is an influence.

That's for the comments. Coming from you it means a lot.
galoot3000 said:
Well, yeah. I know it might seem ridiculous right now, but I have planned it to be that way. I guess you just have to let it unfold. If you don't want to let it unfold and hear what's all going on, here you go:
I'm not gonna read that, because I'm hoping you'll post more :) It's a rarity to find a comic as good as this on the HL2.net, mostly it's just drawings that get posted in the art forum. It's good to see some comics :D

galoot3000 said:
That's for the comments. Coming from you it means a lot.

Why thanks, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside ^_^
I'll post more, drawing it just takes so damn long. I've got to go to work from, well, now till 9:30. I'll try to finish page four up by late tonight and get it posted by tomorrow morning.
Not bad. I take it you're obviously influenced by Sin City.
The thing that annoys me though, is that most of the frames are one point perspective drawings, and they really limit the whole thing.
Try mucking around with two-point perspective. It can be alot of fun

Also, try visiting www.conceptart.org if you ever need some inspiration. That place is full of awesome stuff
Oh, and what do you use?
Wow, that is really, really awesomely done. Great art and a promising looking- story. Two things, though. First off, I'm having a bit of trouble reading some of it, half because of the style, and half because its a bit scrunched together. The other thing is that, well, it looks a bit too much like a Jhonen Vasquez comic. The title, the panels, the words, the characters clothing and posture. Although, their faces are done originally.

But keep it up, that's quite some awesome stuff :)
Trust me, I'm having trouble reading it also. I put the words in as a place holder for some font that I'm going to put in later. Probably a very clean, comic-booky font. Also, the images are pretty small, sorry about that.

EDIT: Also, yeah, it does look too muh like a Jhonen comic. But with the font becoming something clean it should look a littel bit better. Also, I've been planning that the borders will become more linear once he begins to wake up. I'm not really sure about that idea though, it sounds stupid when I read it.

Second Edit:

Page 4 Still isn't done, but I am working on it. Here's a preview.