Obama receives 30 death threats a day


May 5, 2004
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Since Mr Obama took office, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service.

more death threats than bush? I'm surprised ..but then again violence and right wing politics tend to go hand in hand:

Some threats to Mr Obama, whose Secret Service codename is Renegade, have been publicised, including an alleged plot by white supremacists in Tennessee late last year to rob a gun store, shoot 88 black people, decapitate another 14 and then assassinate the first black president in American history.

Ok, I know I shouldn't judge people without facts to back it up, but damn, does this smell like racism.
Ok, I know I shouldn't judge people without facts to back it up, but damn, does this smell like racism.

I really want to post the "Not sure if serious" image to this, but I just posted it yesterday, so yeah.

No surprises here.
I really want to post the "Not sure if serious" image to this, but I just posted it yesterday, so yeah.

No surprises here.

he's from neutral sweden, home of neutral neutrality! ...we're not really sure what his stance is ;)
Where do these threats come from? Anonymous threats on the internet or something?
Zombie Obama Mama ...sounds like a character in a tarantino exploitation flic
white supremacists are faggits

"what do you want to do today bob?"

"hate on some ******s?"

"sounds good"
I get this image of obama browsing trough he letters

obama: dear president of the ******s,I wish you a awfull and painfull death that I will bring upon you......dear black president of dead,I want to cut you your sking and use it as floor carpet but now that I think about it maybe not cuz I dont want my childs to touch your black skin whit theyr feets....dear evil comunist jewish african born warlock of doom,I will put explosives in your ass and make it go boom................hm so that coupon havent arrived?

secret service man: no sir
because the right wing tends to attract the racists?
he's from neutral sweden, home of neutral neutrality! ...we're not really sure what his stance is ;)

Well done Stern, keep up the stereotypes and you might just get invited by Glenn Beck one day.
Every president since JFK has had at least one assassination attempt, apart from Lyndon B. Johnson. So he's gonna get shot at fo sho. Just a question of when.
Every president since JFK has had at least one assassination attempt, apart from Lyndon B. Johnson. So he's gonna get shot at fo sho. Just a question of when.

Hopefully the weapon will be another pair of shoes.

They have codenames for important people.

George W. Bush - Tumbler or Trailblazer
Laura Bush - Tempo
Barbara Bush - Turquoise
Jenna Bush - Twinkle

Barack Obama - Renegade
Michelle Obama - Renaissance
Malia Obama - Radiance
Sasha Obama - Rosebud

Dick Cheney - Angler
Lynne Cheney - Author

Joe Biden - Celtic
Jill Biden - Capri
Barack Obama is the Renegade of Funk.
Does 9/11 count as Bush's?

Actually, there was a suspected attempt on Bush's life on 9/11. Someone also opened fire on the White House at another time, and then there was that time when some dude threw a grenade onto the stage at one of his speeches.
Actually, there was a suspected attempt on Bush's life on 9/11. Someone also opened fire on the White House at another time, and then there was that time when some dude threw a grenade onto the stage at one of his speeches.

That was a foreigner though. Not citizens of the United States who would gladly do it.
Just 50, huh?

I would have thought the rate would be higher, what with him being the US president and black and all.
Well the guy who fired on the White House was a US citizen, I think.

Can you provide a link to this? I can't find anything about a man firing at the white house other than an incident in 1994.
Not surprising. The Left is not nearly as violent as the Right. Just have a look at who has the most guns in this country and your answer will be right there looking down its barrel at you.
To be honest, here in Sweden, the left is just as violent as the right, heck just a few months ago, we had three 20-year old left-wing extremist chicks(Pretty hot to) assault and beat up the press-secretary for Sweden Democrats(A somewhat nationalistic party) and his wife in the subway..

But then again, by Swedish standards the Democrats aren't even left anyway, at most they're centre-right.
Just 50, huh?

I would have thought the rate would be higher, what with him being the US president and black and all.

I had the same reaction. 30 a day seems small.
400x more than Bush ever got. that alone is D:

but i guess the people most likely to utter death threats voted for Bush so they'd be underrepresented
err, wouldn't it be 4x? Since it's 400 PERCENT more, which equals to 4 times more, not 400 times more.
God! you really like blaming them it all on the Right don't you. I would give your position more credence if you weren't blending you ounce of truth with a gallon of thoughtless vomit.

Neither Obama nor Bush deserves to die.

@ Victim: I looked on a Gun control web site and I found that there are more gun related deaths in liberal states than conservative. California has more deaths than Texas, Montana, and Arkansas. and this is from a liberal web site.
God! you really like blaming them it all on the Right don't you. I would give your position more credence if you weren't blending you ounce of truth with a gallon of thoughtless vomit.

ummm whom else would send death threats to Obama? it even says that many of the threats come from white supremacist groups; by definition right wingers

you just cant see the forest for the trees

Neither Obama nor Bush deserves to die.

I'm against the death penalty but I'm willing to make an exception with Bush

@ Victim: I looked on a Gun control web site and I found that there are more gun related deaths in liberal states than conservative. California has more deaths than Texas, Montana, and Arkansas. and this is from a liberal web site.

this is the problem with gun nuts: selective cherry picking of "facts"

first of all define "more deaths" ..by firearm? strangulation, natural cuases, act of god, vehicular etc ...if it's death by firearm then you're just spreading disinformation. the figures are meaningless without context; what is the population difference between California and Arkansas, Montana, Texas:

Califrnia: 36,756,666
Arkansas: 2,855,390
texas: 24,326,974
montana: 967,440

there's more people in california than all 3 combined. so taking total number of deaths as a indicator is cherry picking "facts" to support an agenda. a far more accurate comparison would be to look at deaths by firearm per capita. and this is where your point falls apart like a deck of cards:

death rate per capita:

texas: 11 deaths per 100,000 people
Montana: 14.5 deaths per 100,000 people
Arkansas: 16.3 deaths per 100,000 people

California: 9.8 deaths per 100,000 people

in other words your claim is patently false and the complete opposite of reality. your "conservative" states have far more firearm related deaths per capita than your so called "liberal" states

dont make false claims without providing a source. that way you wont look like a fool when it's proven your claim is just a lot of hot air.

Obama knew what he was getting into. But every president deals with it. Maybe not to this extent...but still.

They have codenames for important people.

Sasha Obama - Rosebud

All I can think of is Citizen Kane...but I digress.