Oblivion news round up


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
News of a Patch:

"We are working on a patch/update for both the PC and Xbox 360. It will address a number of issues that we have found and ones that have been reported to us and confirmed. It is our plan to first release it as a beta patch for the PC when it has cleared our initial testing cycles internally. Since it’s a beta patch you should be aware that issues may come up that we haven’t found yet and we strongly recommend you backup save games and understand it may be necessary to reinstall the game when the final patch comes out."

Upcoming mods from Bethesda for PC will now cost $1.89 ...$0.10 cheaper than for the horse armor ...xbox360 mods dropped from 200 points to 150 points


ATI has released a beta driver that will allow ati users to enable HDR AND AA at the same time
Yeah, we'll see about the patch. I'll hold off til others try it and give it the thumbs up/thumbs down. I never patch right away--bad practice really.

And smart to charge less for more content, but still, I hate these microtransactions. A full-on expansion would be much better use of my money I think. So what if we have to wait a few months for it? There is more than enough content in Oblivion already to keep us busy for a good long while, so why rush out this extra tower or this extra dungeon? Do microtransactions really help them see their ROI that much quicker?
Uproar over charge for PC mods in 5, 4, 3....
well the uproar over the horse mod was justified these arent as bad ..coming out in the next few weeks:

The Orrery
The Orrery allows you to help the Mages Guild of Cyrodiil repair the Imperial Orrery, an ancient dwarven machine with mystical properties. Bandits have stolen a shipment of parts destined for the Arcane University; if you can return them, the Orrery will function once more.


* A new, full-featured quest, including dialogue, journals, and rewards
* Access to the Imperial Orrery in the Arcane University, an incredible mechanical marvel
* New powers available for your character based on the phases of the moons (werewolf?)

The Wizards Tower
Located high in the Jeral Mountains of Cyrodiil away from prying eyes, this Wizard's Tower, Frostcrag Spire, will become available. Packed with numerous useful enhancements, this structure will prove invaluable to magic-oriented characters.


* A fully detailed tower for you to explore
* A breathtaking view of Cyrodiil from the highest point in the land
* Simple furnishings including a bed for leveling up
* An indoor botanical garden with over 130 specimens... including Oblivion-native herbs!
* Summon Atronach Familiars that obey your commands
* Instant teleports to every Mages Guild in Cyrodiil
* New Spell and Recharge vendor in the Imperial City
* Fully upgrade the furnishings in your lair to suit your needs
* Upgrade to a fully functional Enchanting and Spellmaking station with no need to join Mages Guild
* Upgrade to a laboratory that buffs your Alchemy skill
I wouldn't be opposed to paying for features such as that - it's similar to the episodic content that Half Life 2 will soon be enjoying.

Full new quests, items and powers - pretty sweet.
Cormeh said:
I wouldn't be opposed to paying for features such as that - it's similar to the episodic content that Half Life 2 will soon be enjoying.

Full new quests, items and powers - pretty sweet.
I hope the episodic content for HL2 is better (i.e. has more content) than most of the episodic content around right now. The pricing is just out of control.

For instance, look at Telltale's Bone series--the first short episode was $20. The second will be $12.99. Now even if the next 6 are $10, that's still going to be over $90 for a "full" game! I am all for supporting the smaller independent houses, but this microtransaction-type system just irks me. I am not convinced that gamers are so short on time that they need shorter games or that they require tiny amounts of new content every other week--I think that's just an excuse used by developers. Most adventure games are rather long (depending on your aptitude for such ways of thinking) and cost <$40 usually. I am just not a fan of this new system at all...
Me neither. But i whould porbably buy it if i could get it all in one pack thou.
$2 aint bad at all IMO.
Besides, we still get player-made content for free.
Yes. But how will it be distributed? Will it be sold retail or over the net? I never buy stuff over the internet.
Rizzo89 said:
Yes. But how will it be distributed? Will it be sold retail or over the net?
You really think such small MODs will be retail?

Online purchases most deffinetly.
I never buy stuff over the internet.
I feel sorry for how much you pay for stuff then...
A game patch cool. More FPS ftw!

So when is the AA & HDR driver patch for Nvidia coming out?
uh oh. a patch that may not be compatible with saved games? black and white 2 was one thing, but a game you could be several months into playing, only to have to start from scratch? biiig trubble will broo mefinks
I don't think they'll be incompatible. It just says you may need to reinstall the game after you patch, so back up your saves.
CptStern said:
The Orrery
The Orrery allows you to help the Mages Guild of Cyrodiil repair the Imperial Orrery, an ancient dwarven machine with mystical properties. Bandits have stolen a shipment of parts destined for the Arcane University; if you can return them, the Orrery will function once more.
are you able to go in wothout this mod? (and without cheating) do they have the door there for looks or does it get opened sooner or later? (it doesnt get opened later in the mages guild)
Mutley said:
A game patch cool. More FPS ftw!

So when is the AA & HDR driver patch for Nvidia coming out?
Never, Oblivion\Farcry\SP:CT all use a buffer for HDR and no Nvidia card can apply AA on this buffer. Only ATI's 1XXX series can.
CptStern said:
well the uproar over the horse mod was justified these arent as bad ..coming out in the next few weeks:
Lol exactly. The horse "mod". It looks like a failed fan art competition. Kids who like unicorns will be all over this.

I was telling everyone to be patient and not over-react, they will be lowering prices. It's common knowledge that when something comes out they sell things for a higher price, then when people stop buying it, they lower the price some and it sells fast, then when people stop buying it, they lower the price, include bundles, etc., I seriously doubt they planed to lower the price this fast, but half their main fan-base turned up and revolted! ****ing nerds everywhere gone wild! The squeaky wheel gets the grease right?

HHahah., anyway Thy werewolf sounds vicious. I'll pick up all the mods for a real bargain by the time I get a PC that can play my Oblivion game. ;(

Yes. But how will it be distributed? Will it be sold retail or over the net? I never buy stuff over the internet.
Right now only over the internet.

This is just a guess but I'm willing to bet money that 'eventually' these mods will be *either* included with the Oblivion retail game or sold as one game featuring Oblivion + expansion packs at a discount over buying them individually. We are talking cold dinner here though. The game is brand new right now so by the time this happens you might not even be considering this anymore, and thats why they make these bundles, becuase the sales of their game slow to a crawl, and people that said, "Im not paying $50 for this game, I'll wait till its $30" can now afford it.
I hope people continue resisting actively, hopefully they'll give up sucking every penny out of people and release mods for free.