Obtaning MSN Passwords.

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Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Myth or legend ? Various forms of obtaining the passwords are posiblble, but wich one, for purely scientific reasons, is the easyest one ?
So, comon, lets share them. In name of science of course.
I prefer punching them in the face(temple) to knock them out then tying them to their chair and turturing them till they fork it out. Oh violating forum rules helps too!
Adrien C said:
Myth or legend ? Various forms of obtaining the passwords are posiblble, but wich one, for purely scientific reasons, is the easyest one ?
So, comon, lets share them. In name of science of course.

So are you asking how to steal peoples passwords?
Its really easy, and simple.
Will I tell you?
Easiset way is to get a key logger on their comp
Trojans will work similarly
Phishing is always fairly good

And don't be an asshole doing this to random people
It's only funny when you screw with your friends
Now I'm going to have to be paranoid and not use MSN on anyones account and run full system diagnostics because of someone stealing my MSN account.
You're aware this thread is going to get locked, right?
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