october video cards availability


Apr 26, 2004
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hi, im getting a new computer october'ish and i was just wodnering if the geforce 6800 ultra(preferably), or the x800xt(pe or non, dont care), will be out in canada. like i mean i know they're already out but i cant find any so do you guys know if ill actually be able to go to astore and buy one in october?

P.S. if you need me to be more specific i live in ontario.

EDIT: when will the new ati, and nvidia cards be coming out?! and what are they called?!
both have the cards you are looking for.
Bigfootcomputers is in toronto.
I know that ncix also had a BFG 6800 OC a couple days ago instock.
Bigfootcomputers has the 6800 GT in stock and they recieve saphire X800 XT's weekly, they also have a PCI-E X800 XT instock.

I think the cards are getting very easy to get a hold of now because most the people that want them placed their preorders months ago. I was talking to a guy at NCIX a couple days ago and he said the rush for the cards is over, though they still are recieving the ocassionaly preorder. When I ordered my 6800 Ultra there was no pending orders befor me so I was lucky. Maybee the same will happen to you.

My experience has been great with both companies.