odd HL2 thing


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
In my HL2 video settings the asterix which indicates the recommended settings for my PC has changed. it used to be textures: medium. but now it has gone down to low... the performance hasnt changed im just wondering what could have happened to make HL2 think im not worthy of its average texturey mediocreness.
the only changes i have made is adding new ram and changing the heapsize accordingly.

edit: after playing around with settings. its odd that with the settings on max and the settings on lowest their isnt much fps difference. this is likely a bad thing seeing as its always low, 8-35 max 15-40 low
Try changing heapsize back.

Maybe Valve updated it to use lower settings because they got complaint of slow performance with those specs? I wouldn't know.
I have always got poor system spec coices in games just dont worry about it and do your own testing or research on the settings you should have. My XP2500+ 512Mb 6600GT was defaulted to everything low and it does everything fine at max no problem.
Yeh I wouldn't worry about it, just mess about with the settings until you find a good balance of looks with performance.