Odd problem

May 15, 2003
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My main machine won't boot. It POSTs ok, but doesn't respond to the kepresses to show POST screen or enter Setup (Abit mobo) - I think keyboard support isn't working. Right now I'm betting it's hanging on Optical or Hard drive recognition, leading me to believe I need to check connections. I'm going out now, but has anyone got any other ideas?
Try switching out the IDE cables for different ones.
Also try one drive per cable both as Master.
try unplugging all teh things that you wont need to boot up and if it works, then add componants one by one until it fails again, then you will know what is causing the pc to not boot up.
psyno said:
Is it a USB keyboard?

Yeah, if it is, try with a PS/2 keyboard.

I always have my Saitek Eclipse keyboard (USB) and an old HP PS/2 keyboard plugged in for administrative and troubleshooting purpouses. Things like my secondary SATA controller and the the safe mode prompt won't respond to USB keyboard input.

Plus, you look just badass sitting there with two keyboards, one on your lap, and one on your desk.
Asus said:
Try switching out the IDE cables for different ones.
Also try one drive per cable both as Master.
It's a SATA hard disk, and a PS/2 Keyboard.. I'm gonna go check all the wires etc :)

EDIT: Nevermind, fixed it :p