
Sep 28, 2003
Reaction score
It rules!! :D

I've been replaying Abe's Oddysey and Exoddus, and they're just brilliant fun. I love the style and look of Oddworld, and plus, they're brilliant puzzle/platform games to boot. I never played Munch's Oddysey (evil Xbox nicking it from the PS2), but Stranger and Hand Of Odd look ridiculously cool. I'm also quite tempted to pick up the new Oddworld Inhabitants art book. I just love the whole cuddly, funny, yet ridiculously violent feel to it all.

And if you've never played any of the oddworld games (specifically the first two), what's wrong with you?! Go and get them on budget now!

u should play a game called Another World. its excellent.
i loved the first 2,

it all went to shit on xbox for some reason...
i played abes oddysee for quite a while, never finished it though bcause it was incredibly difficult
Yes oddworld rules :E except the xbox shit, that sucked i remember the day when they announced Xbox had taken it from PS, i was gutted! :(

2D adventure games like oddworld should never go 3D because it ruins it to much. Anyone remember the 2D fade to black? IT ROCKED!!...then it went 3D and died. (was that the name?)
Fade to Black :/

And yes, Oddworld should have stayed 2d.

The latest in the series is an action/fps :( (and while it looks pretty good - i'd rather a return to the old style)
Nah the 3D version was called Fade to Black but it had a 2D version called something else, and i cant remember what but it was ace. Think it was on PS1 or Snes.

Edit/ A quick Google search and i found out what it was called. It was called Flashback, MAN that game ruled at the time :E
Well, yeah of course. No platformers beat Oddworld :E

I remember the first time i played it and heard the fart. I think i laughed for a whole week, mainly because i was young and games didn't really have comedy back then :D ....Mind you, all the sound effects in that game was comical.