odessa cubbage.

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Jul 10, 2008
Reaction score
hey, you know how odessa cubbage is an utter twat,
well is the game subtley try to say that generaly english/british people are like him?
a lot of films and prorgrams have a habit of making the english seem like this
(eg:simpsons... ok i know simpsons is a joke, but they do it all the time.):angry:

if you are one of those poor, sad people out there who actualy believe it; you got a lot to learn mister.

Of course, it is a commonly known fact that all British people are like Odessa Cubbage. You twats.
Well, if you're british you're hardly an advertisement yourself, are you?

Wrong section.
Stupid thread.
Stupid poster.
Stupid british people (naturally I only refer to the welsh).

*EDIT- god I wish had powers in this section...
It is a well-known fact that all English people wear top hats and eat crumpets for every meal. Also they have bad teeth.
hang on chilifan, if you live in the UK what makes u so sure eh?

and i never said i am actually british?
i could be from venezuela
Because I am, at this very moment, wearing my top hat and eating crumpets, just like everyone else in the house.
First off
Wrong section

Second why can't anyone come up with ORIGINAL names?!
Because I am, at this very moment, wearing my top hat and eating crumpets, just like everyone else in the house.

I say, good show, Sir! Care to join me and Quentin for some tea and biscuits tomorrow evening? Good chap.
Levo91 was better than this guy.


Ok, I'm basing my expectations of all English people on alyxvance. Heres how it rates:

Smart people-------------normal people ----------------Odessa Cubbage-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------English people.
I think alyxvance is the reason we didn't win Test The Nation last year.
You know, Seattle, with its many British nationals, you would think Valve could of payed someone to actually give an actual performance. Hell I would of settled with Scottish, but Cubbage's accent just sends chills down my spine
Normal English people -------------Smart English people ---------------------------Londoners--------------------------------------------------------------------------Odessa Cubbage

Fixed to give a better overview of what the scale is

Case of Study of English Accents

What a crap thread.
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