Off (Hardware/Software) Topic. Read it at Your Own Risk And Expense!!

Nov 16, 2005
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For us, we are the current and future Hardware/Software Enthusiasts of, and this month of December, which, is the only month the three Amigos (Christian, Muslim and Jews) agree upon it's Holiness; I would like to wish you all Happy Holidays and let God sort it out.

So Happy Holidays!!!

To all staff, Mod, Admin and all members alike.

May we all live in peaceful harmony, in good health, joyful wealth in 2008.

Cya next year fellas.
lets leave god out of this and just celebrate winter solstice as the holiday was originally celebrated. :)
That's a bit unnecessary Matt it's not like he's evangelising or trying to convert you.
What's wrong with mentioning religion during a holiday season celebrated by several religions?
as a non religious person cant i join in the fun also? :(
lets leave god out of this and just celebrate winter solstice as the holiday was originally celebrated. :)

Oh! I'm sorry Mr. Matt. if I may have offended you.

Lemme rephrase what I have said: This month of December is the only month; the The four Amigos (Christian, Muslim, Jews and the Infidels) agree upon to enjoy; I would like to wish you all Happy Holidays and let .....

Sheesh! You cant even express happy feelings nowadays, without stepping on some twinkle-toes. Well I'm sorry for enjoying MY HOLIDAY. :upstare: