Off-Limits 3 Year Anniversary Media


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Off Limits, an interesting multiplayer mod, is celebrating its third anniversary of development today, and as such has released an impressive media release: so lets let the media do the talking.[br]

[br]Check the Off-Limits website for more new media and some information about the gameplay, all in their latest newspost.
How many more years until release?

Thx Simon.
I like what I see, certainly better than alot of other mods out there.
That's a driveable car, by the way :)
Yeah, I was gonna comment about that. Everything else looks top-notch, but the arms look a bit... off.

Anyway, looks great :thumbs:
What's there to celebrate if the damn thing hasn't even come out yet?
its to celebrate 3 years of good steady development. Plus to thank the community for not letting it die.
sure the mod looks pretty cool, but three years of development with out a release is pretty insane for a mod! As Valve said themselves they'd like to see more people actually release mods as opposed to polishing something up for an extended period of time.

Get a play test version out as soon as possible and work from player feedback. That seems like the smartest way, that way you know whether the core gameplay of your mod is appealing to people to begin with.
lol 3 years isnt much to be honest. I believe many hl2 mods that are still in developement have been for over 3-4.... Plus whats wrong with a mod that doesnt want to release something so that people go "NOT WORTH THE DOWNLOAD EEEEEWWWW" kinda like what some of people are doing with that troy mod....
Sorry but is this a joke? How in the world is it taking 3 years to release this? I dunno about the other stuff like models, skins, etc, but I can map those maps in a matter of months.
Three years ago HL2 was announced. We started mucking about then. Then almost a year and a half passed until HL2 was released. We pretty much spent that time trying to build a team (which was hard for a game that's delayed indefinately), and learning techniques like low poly modeling (our first weapon was something like 29000 tri's :D). Then HL2 was released, and it took another few months or something until we saw the SDK.

Then, we're a small team where only two people have worked near daily for the past three years. If I had a team of 5 people that worked on this as hard as me and simon did; it'd be done in a year, tops. [Although I have a few members that are very active now too. You know who you are. Love you.]

The delay of many total conversion mods are having now is an after-effect of the delay of HL2, the delay of the SDK release (which was initially promised before HL2), the delay of patches to several bugs that crippled mods, etc. That does not only add to dev time, but makes you lose fans and makes it a lot harder to find dedicated team-members.

Enough with the rant, just wanted to serve them negativo's with a bit of an answer. It's been a very fun ride the past three years, and I want to thank everyone that stuck with us. It won't be years anymore, now, and the mod should be pretty high quality, so I'm very proud of what we managed to do in our spare time.
jaboo224 said:
lol 3 years isnt much to be honest. I believe many hl2 mods that are still in developement have been for over 3-4.... Plus whats wrong with a mod that doesnt want to release something so that people go "NOT WORTH THE DOWNLOAD EEEEEWWWW" kinda like what some of people are doing with that troy mod....

Well if the Troy development team were still working on the mod and released what they just did they could work from what people have been saying they don't like and what things they do like. Kinda like how Empires is slowly fixing up stuff in their mod. At least it's released and people get some playtime with the core gameplay idea.

thanks for the feedback keats :) I never knew it was such a small development team, that's definately a factor.
bigburpco said:
It doesn't look too natural, I guess. Feels wooden, you know?

i agree,its been bugging me aswell -so ill see what i can do.
Ill try some normal mapped creases to get rid of the round rigid sleeve.

Beastmonkey2 said:
Sorry but is this a joke? How in the world is it taking 3 years to release this? I dunno about the other stuff like models, skins, etc, but I can map those maps in a matter of months.

the map shown in this update, has been in development for just over a month.
alot of custom content is going in everyday, (check my prop thread.)

You admit, that you have no idea how long skins & models take to complete.
Which really contradicts what you said, as custom models and skins ( props, environmental objects) are what adds to the feel to make an excellent map.

im sorry we are taking so long to create quality maps.;(
Beastmonkey2 said:
Sorry but is this a joke? How in the world is it taking 3 years to release this? I dunno about the other stuff like models, skins, etc, but I can map those maps in a matter of months.

LOL, you are realy funny...and the rest of you as well....

First, STOP IT

Second, Off-Limits Team don't listen to them, they know nuts if they say things like that

Third, nice media, i love the HUD and the loadout menu looks also nice (i hope it isn't photoshopt like another MOD Team did with their names...), may some kind of ingame video can disprove this...:)

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Has anyone read the gameplay info? A very nice twist to most mods. :D
Mutley said:
Has anyone read the gameplay info? A very nice twist to most mods. :D
Indeed. This mod is something to really look forward to.

And a couple of their crew members are Belgian :D
1Luc1 said:
Third, nice media, i love the HUD and the loadout menu looks also nice (i hope it isn't photoshopt like another MOD Team did with their names...), may some kind of ingame video can disprove this...:)

We already released a video where you could see the loadout menu in action a while ago, it's in the middle of our alpha trailer (speeded up tho, but you see it works :p). Nothing's photoshopped or anything, if it were, I'dve pimped up the minimap more (working on it as we speak).

Thanks for all the positive comments !
sure the mod looks pretty cool, but three years of development with out a release is pretty insane for a mod! As Valve said themselves they'd like to see more people actually release mods as opposed to polishing something up for an extended period of time.
I dont get it, first you people flame the Troy team for releasing an unfinished mod, and now you say the off-limits team has to release an unfinished mod.

They actualy want to release a finished mod instead of an unfinished one with bugs, like a lot of other teams do. This is the way to go!
3 Years of work is not a lot, looks like a lot of people dont have any idea what it takes to develop a good mod.

The fact that they are still active after 3 years tells enough!

The media looks great guys!
keats said:
We already released a video where you could see the loadout menu in action a while ago, it's in the middle of our alpha trailer (speeded up tho, but you see it works :p)....

Ah yea, i remember ... i totally forgot about that...this video is amazing... good work...
With the pasting you guys have been giving the troy team on their first release, it is no wonder they want to hold it back till its right.
Wow, that's some quality work there guys. n_n

Looking forward to playing. :D
Beastmonkey2 said:
Sorry but is this a joke? How in the world is it taking 3 years to release this? I dunno about the other stuff like models, skins, etc, but I can map those maps in a matter of months.

If i were to see the maps as they are now, then yes, it would only take myself a few weeks to re-create them... but started from scratch, plan a gameplay flow/layout, a design/setting, doing some quick playing in big orange-dev textured maps, not liking what you see, change the map again.. etc etc.. styx is about 2 months work this far, and i've been rushing it enormusly (8/10hours daily) the last few weeks. Also, creating custom textures / props isn't something you do in 30 min, it takes me 3/4 hours (depending what prop) to get it working ingame... (modeling/unwrapping/texturing/compiling). And what keats said is true, the first year and a half was kind of us learning what we needed to learn. I never modeled with 3Dsmax before this mod started, so i started with weapon modeling (duh) to learn it, and my first weapon was just cubes/cylinders (29000 triangles *ashamed puppy eyed look*). And for this mod i found myself learning new stuff over and over again... After lots of weapon modeling, we could find UVmappers/skinners, so i learned unwrapping/texturing... then we couldn't find more mappers to help out, so i started to work on Purerage's map Downfall (to learn hammer). But rite now we have a very solid crew, and i can only smile when i see we now have a total of 5 animators working on our weapons! A lot of our content to is ingame and working, and it wont be that long anymore before we start serious playtesting imHo...

oh, and the ryanator ownzzzzz youuuuu all :imu:
1Luc1 said:
Third, nice media, i love the HUD and the loadout menu looks also nice (i hope it isn't photoshopt like another MOD Team did with their names...), may some kind of ingame video can disprove this...:)

Here is a high-rez video of the loadoutmenu working (as shown in the alpha trailer 2 months ago)
Its been like this for a very long time (we hardly use it at this moment, we cheat) But thats something Keats said to work on next (update loadout menu with all weapon, and fix their weights, etc etc) But you see how it works in this video. On the right side you see your personal loadout (note the nickname on top: Simon, me..) and my weapons selected below, you can add/remove weapons as you see fit during the game. Will only take effect after your death of course.

(Xvid, 3,8mb)

About the wooden arms comment, ingame i really never paid any attention to it, since it's all moving... but in a still picture they might seem a bit rigid agreed.
Opium said:
sure the mod looks pretty cool, but three years of development with out a release is pretty insane for a mod! As Valve said themselves they'd like to see more people actually release mods as opposed to polishing something up for an extended period of time.

Get a play test version out as soon as possible and work from player feedback. That seems like the smartest way, that way you know whether the core gameplay of your mod is appealing to people to begin with.

Three years is a very reasonable time for a full conversion mod for HL2. Heck even HL mods could take that long to develop, and they didn't require half the amount of work that needs to go into a mod these days.
simon said:
Here is a high-rez video of the loadoutmenu working (as shown in the alpha trailer 2 months ago)
Its been like this for a very long time (we hardly use it at this moment, we cheat) But thats something Keats said to work on next (update loadout menu with all weapon, and fix their weights, etc etc) But you see how it works in this video. On the right side you see your personal loadout (note the nickname on top: Simon, me..) and my weapons selected below, you can add/remove weapons as you see fit during the game. Will only take effect after your death of course.

(Xvid, 3,8mb)


Hey you know what, you did a amazing job, keep it up...

i love you guys...yeaha...
COALslaw said:
This mods too pretty to have arms like that.

And i'm too pretty to be posting here, yet i still do it :cheese: