Off Limits Characters In Game !


Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
Yes Yes, finally they are in game with world models and fully animated (custom animation, none of that CSS crap :p )
You can check the full news post on our website:
(the shots are taken in my testmap, but it gives a bit of a sense of how the game should look like)



Hope you like it.

- Wesley
i like the background :p, but the character with the leather pants isnt that good (the design), the other one is nice and its nice to see them ingame :thumbs:

they look okay, but the legs seem to be a bit long..could be the angle though
I love the first model's torso. personly think the gun is wrougn size though. secound .. guy i dunno about.. he looks just odd.. dunno what it is..
In motion they look a lot better :)
The size of the gun is also weird because of the angle, i took the shots below their feet (standing on a wall) so everything at the lower part looks bigger then the top. I just wanted to get the building in the background on it aswell ;)
Looking good! I want to see some model-viewer shots so we can see it in it's normal perspective.
wow, great stuff man.. this mod is really starting to look good. I can't wait to check it out