Off Limits Development Update


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
It's been over a year since we heard anything from the developers of Off Limits, but judging from their new progress update and media release, they've been hard at work in the meantime. In addition to a new map and a new character model donated by two talented developers, they've reworked the gameplay of the mod from the ground up:

Now the game is about two teams, who both have a Juggernaut as their main guy, he is linked to the spawn points that are located in the levels. When he gets killed during a match that team loses a spawn point giving the chance of the opposite team to capture that point. By doing this we created a moving battlefield that goes across an entire level. When there are no spawn left you lose. A more detailed description of the game play and all it's features will be announced at a later date.

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Their stated purpose behind this update is primarily to attract more playtesters, so if you've got some free time on your hands and want to help them out, head over to their website for more information.
It is. Damn simon you were right.

That map is called "russia" I think, originally showcased for ND but the mapper (Robert Briscoe) has donated it to OL.
Hey look, its the map from Nuclear Blue Balls.
Isn't odd how we had that Off Limits incident, and then some Off Limits news happens?
Russia gets the exposure it deserves now. Make sure to check it out on release, it is an awesome piece of mapping/texture work.
too bad they ditched the alien gameplay...that sounded really interesting.

It did sound interesting, but you're gonna have to take my word on this, it wasn't. It was flawed in many ways, and even though it was hard to do for us, I'm glad we moved away from it and built on what was fun. Even in our subsequent gameplay iterations we've hit problems that followed from having a central character & its death as the main game goal, but we've been able to fix them in our current gameplay - and we would never have been with the alien. Add to that the fact that decent wallwalking in our kind of maps proved technically impossible on Source, and it was by far the right choice.

Do check out the current gameplay when we release though, you'll see it's definately fun & interesting as well :)
Download this mod just for Russia. And get a new set of undies. :thumbs:
Isn't odd how we had that Off Limits incident, and then some Off Limits news happens?

I'm scared, Darkside.

But probably it just reminded Onwee about Off Limits so he checked it out again.

The mod looks interesting, but the environments seem very gritty while the rest is very clean? I dunno.
I'm scared, Darkside.

But probably it just reminded Onwee about Off Limits so he checked it out again.

The mod looks interesting, but the environments seem very gritty while the rest is very clean? I dunno.

Ok, I have to know, what Off Limits incident are you guys talking about?
Seriously, don't ask.