Off Limits Media Release & Ingame Videos


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
119 border=1 >[/center][br]
The team behind the postapocalypse mod [url=]Off-Limits[/url] has proven itself over the past three years to be one of the most dedicated, hardworking teams on the scene, and despite their relatively low profile, they've output a constant stream of top-notch media. Latest in the pipeline is today's release, which is full of several beautiful screenshots and five videos of ingame action.[br][center][url=]
Our mapping department continues to raise the bar. Unsain started a new map called "ol_sewage", and his first map "ol_bunker" is nearing release quality rapidly. A new recruit in the mapping dept. is Leon aka Teh, who's making an industrial map for us. Venom_Snake's "ol_reaction" is also nearing final stages. Purerage is finalizing "ol_downfall" and Simon is finalizing "ol_undersiege".

In addition to these screenshots of Simon's map ol_styx, there are five ingame videos for your perusal, featuring the alien viewpoint, some ingame action, and vehicle showcases, available on the Off Limits website. It seems like they're gearing up for a release in the not-entirely-distant future, and the moment we get more news, you'll be the first to know!
Alien view looks amazing. Thats awesome.
not holding my breath but looks promising

Agreed, and the whole "we raize le bar!" part just ticked me off, considering that's really, really, not anything 'new', as a matter of fact, they look dull and remind me of Half Life maps.
nice shaders, they look like a beast to run though, I hope I am wrong cause they are really really cool.
Cant wait.

But that vision effect looks to be annoying. Ill save judgement till i play tho.
Agreed, and the whole "we raize le bar!" part just ticked me off, considering that's really, really, not anything 'new', as a matter of fact, they look dull and remind me of Half Life maps.

Wow, can you point me toward the Half Life maps that look like those?
Agreed, and the whole "we raize le bar!" part just ticked me off, considering that's really, really, not anything 'new', as a matter of fact, they look dull and remind me of Half Life maps.
What the hell are you talking about?!
Why do you react like that? Did they kick you from the off-limits forum or something?

Those maps look amazing to me, lots of new props and textures and a lot of detail. Also, if you read more about the mod you will see it features some new and intresting gameplay.
Agreed, and the whole "we raize le bar!" part just ticked me off, considering that's really, really, not anything 'new', as a matter of fact, they look dull and remind me of Half Life maps.

Nothing new? There's loads of custom content in every single one of those screenshots, and while the brushwork isn't super-complex, it looks great. There's something called a brush limit, and their maps are huge, so they have to keep it low-detail so they can make the entire map. That map looks fantastic.
Nice looking mod. Some of these amatuer mod teams are making things look even better than Valve have with HL2/Episode 1. There's some impressive stuff going on out there. Very exciting & inspiring.
Absolutely gorgeous. I'm extremely impressed with the stream of media from these guys. Looks like they've found a great balance of beauty and functionality with their graphics.

I love the ability to sit on the back of the truck and shoot.

The alien vision looks like it would be really annoying though, and is it just me or is the skull twice the size it should be?
Hi guys, and thanks for the positive comments.

Aprime, I understand why you're offended, but you misinterpreted what I said. I don't mean we raise the bar of mapping standards worldwide, I meant our mapping team raises the bar on what I expect from them, they continue to exceed themselves each iteration on their maps, and I'm proud that they're learning and growing like that. [ Although even in that light, a HL1 comparison is hardly justified :p ].

As for the vision, it's not annoying to me; but it does have an ( intentional ) claustrophobic view to it, which is especially cool when running in corridors. But as said, it's still wip. As for performance, given the amount of shaders and other optimized graphical techniques the vision uses (there's some non-evident stuff in there), it's not too hard on the fps; if you're able to run Off L decently the alien vision shouldn't change that.
This makes me proud living in Belgium.

It seems like all the team positions are filled, but if you guys ever need an extra coder ...

Nice work on the vehicles. How do you compensate the lag that appears in nigh every source mod when two vehicles ride close to eachother ? Looks very smooth in the trailer !
We have no lag what so ever during the playtesting, i dont know why other mods might have lag in their vehicles, but we surely don't have it. We do play with 30 pings.. so i'd have to ask someone with a higher ping how the vehicles work for them. On the video's you might see a bit of lag, but thats cause i'm recording in realtime with fraps, and on a widescreen resolution, so it does take a lot of CPU power while i was recording these videos. I wanted to release uncoded video's but they were 100MB+ for only a few seconds, i'll need to get a good decoding program some day that makes it work, something like .mov ? i dunno, kinda sucks to always have to lose quality in video's :)
I wanted to release uncoded video's but they were 100MB+ for only a few seconds, i'll need to get a good decoding program some day that makes it work, something like .mov ? i dunno, kinda sucks to always have to lose quality in video's :)

1. Open file in virtualdub (it's free (File->open)
2. Video menu -> enable 'Full Processing mode'
3. Audio menu -> enable 'Source Audio' & 'Full Processing Mode'
4. Video menu -> Choose 'compression'. A window will open showing all codecs you got installed on your system. DivX is very good on full processing mode. You can fiddle with the quality sliders. Divx on 100 % quality is still better than raw AVI :p
5. File -> Save as Avi. Might go and take a cup of coffee if it takes a while.

An other option is to convert your raw avi files to the Bink video format. (The old HL2 trailers used to come in that format. They are small executables that play the file fullscreen.) Superb compression, and no noticable loss. Plus, it looks cool fullscreen.


I was asking about the vehicle lag because the Empires mod has a significant amount of lag when two tanks are moving slowly close to eachother. Then again, I don't think it's compare-able, since Empires needs bandwidth for a lot of other stuff too (the command view, etc....)

Also, you might have read about the 'Rubberbanding fix' Teddy from Dystopia developed. It removes the problem all Source mods (even the official ones like DoD:S and CS) seem to have when players are running next to eachother (the annoying bumping off other players). It's on the Valve Developer wiki somewhere, but I can't seem to find it atm.
I have no tooth against them, what reminds me of Half Life specifically is the lighting techniques they've employed, which look rather outdated, although I can't say whether they truly are or not, and I fail to see how these maps are raising the 'bar', if there's any, because I'm personally more attracted by what Nuclear Dawn's maps than these. To conclude, the atmosphere/weather/climatology just looks... Bleh, but that I can live with.

Now, don't start insulting me because I have an opinion that differs from yours, please.

P.S.: I wasn't talking about the assets when I said 'new'.
Oh, and some positive, I actually like that effect ("alien vision").
Of course not, you're entitled to your own opinion; but you're still not getting my point; or maybe I'm using the wrong expression here. ND surely has excellent quality maps, but then again ND is made by industry professionals. We only have a couple of mappers. Simon for instance didn't know how to model, texture, or use hammer before we started this thing, and now he's making styx almost singlehandedly. I meant to say our mappers exceed themselves, they keep getting better and better; not draw a comparison with anyone else or something. Modding to me is about the learning experience and about creating something big in a team. I don't care whether we match up to X or Y or if we're industry quality or not, and I certainly wouldn't be so arrogant as to state we're defining new standards for other people, cause we're far from that ;)
Aprime, no one's insulted you at all, much to your chagrin, I'm sure.

anyway keats quit blabbin' and go get the mod ready for release n_n this is one of my most anticipated for sure.
Simon is definitely industry quality. Someone should hire him ;)
I didn't say anyone insulted me, I just asked you not to.
Perhaps they exceed themselves, but they don't raise 'the' bar, they raise theirs. :p

Your response was appreciated, until your modification is release, I shall refrain from commenting on the quality of your work. :)
Purerage and LOOM and Keats are the ones that are now in the "industry", if I will ever make that step i'm not sure yet though :p

Forceflow said:
1. Open file in virtualdub (it's free (File->open)
2. Video menu -> enable 'Full Processing mode'
3. Audio menu -> enable 'Source Audio' & 'Full Processing Mode'
4. Video menu -> Choose 'compression'. A window will open showing all codecs you got installed on your system. DivX is very good on full processing mode. You can fiddle with the quality sliders. Divx on 100 % quality is still better than raw AVI :p
5. File -> Save as Avi. Might go and take a cup of coffee if it takes a while.

Thanks, i'll try that out next time, i'm already doing the same thing, but with xvid. But not the exact same as you told me, so it might look better, you'll see next time :)