Off Limits Mod Media Update

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Off Limits mod is one of those names which has been around for a long time now, but the team are still pushing on adding updates to their site as they move closer to a finished product. They are currently working on weapon balancing and tweaking the juggernaut class but have also added a large media blitz on their website.[br]The Belgian born mod is looking great and hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer to see the mod released! Check out the full update on the Off Limits website.[br]

I'm looking forward to this one, it looks very polished already.
Been waiting on this one for a good four or so years now. It's been interesting seeing their concept and media evolve over time, as they've been playtesting for a number of years now. Can't wait for it to finally get out the door. I actually came to post this media release but apparently Glenn beat me to it.
Been waiting on this one for a good four or so years now. It's been interesting seeing their concept and media evolve over time, as they've been playtesting for a number of years now. Can't wait for it to finally get out the door. I actually came to post this media release but apparently Glenn beat me to it.

Funny you should mention the "years", we just found a nice Blizzard article which is pretty much exactly the mentality we have within Off Limits (the full 2 man crew), Keats made a nice article about it on our website:

Still, it wont take years anymore before we release, we're down to months (unless something apocalyptic happens) :p