Off Limits Progress Report and Website Update


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
The team behind the total conversion Off Limits have released a very fresh new website, featuring some very impressive new gameplay videos as well as a call for playtesters. They've also posted an update on their progress, including the addition of a talented sound designer to their team and some information on how the level development is going.[br]

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Hope you enjoy it and I hope you get a slight feel of the game play and its cool features, it?s great fun so far (can?t stress that enough :p ). We can always use more dedicated playtesters as well, so if you are interested in giving feedback and helping us test the mod on Sunday?s 8pm (gmt +1) please register on our forum and PM Keats, he?ll set you up!

To see the new gameplay video and more information about Off Limits, check out their website.
Don't much understand what I'm watching but that's probably a good indication.
Don't much understand what I'm watching but that's probably a good indication.

It's pretty simple, you need to capture all the base points, in order to capture a base point you need to kill the enemy Juggernaut, as they are linked to your teams captured spawns. When you killed the enemy Juggernaut, a spawn opens up and you can capture it. When all spawns are lost the Juggernaut doesn't respawn and you are able to win the match. That's the big outline of the game play, there are other things in combination with this mechanism that makes it a tactical game.

As soon as we iron out the last remaining aspects of it there will be a post made about how the game works. We are currently about 95% complete with the game play and we already know what to do to make it 100%, we just need to fix it and get it in :) There will be more news pretty soon from us, we are pushing to get the game done asap and get it out there.