Off to work. do you?


Oct 23, 2004
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well im off to walk to work..its like 30 degrees out. i thought i might inform you guys that im going to make one hell of a mess on the grill tonight.

i might slap some burger patties against the wall too, i'll take some pictures..rofl.

what do you all do for a job??????
how bout weekly incomes?

i make about 250 a week.
1) Work as a weekend DJ at a local radio station.
2) Work as a runner for a lawfirm.
3) I start a new job at Tiger Athletic Foundation next week. Gonna be a runner there also, but will also be answering phones, cleaning, other odd jobs...damn it, I have to get a haircut...
I sit in an empty store and play playstation for a job... get 12 bucks an hour...

rougly $250 - $350 a week... (casual)
i work as a computer sales person trying to convince people to buy computers and other stuff realted to computers.
i make on average $250 -$500 a week

also burnzie, you need the fonz back
burnzie said:
I sit in an empty store and play playstation for a job... get 12 bucks an hour...

rougly $250 - $350 a week... (casual)

And this is exactly the reason I hate you :)
qckbeam said:
And this is exactly the reason I hate you :)
Ya! My radio station job requires skill and talent...and I get paid minimum wage! GRRRR.
i used to be a server(waiter), where i would "bootleg" food for higher tips i.e I will give you this if you give me (1/2 cost) in cash right now! I started out trying to get fired, but ended up making a crapload of money. It was a dream come true!
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Ya! My radio station job requires skill and talent...and I get paid minimum wage! GRRRR.

Are you an on air personality? You seem like you'd be pretty good at that sort of thing.
qckbeam said:
Are you an on air personality? You seem like you'd be pretty good at that sort of thing.
I would, but the format (smooth jazz) kind of requires me to stay within certain yeah.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
I would, but the format (smooth jazz) kind of requires me to stay within certain yeah.

Damn boundaries :(
burnzie said:
I sit in an empty store and play playstation for a job... get 12 bucks an hour...

rougly $250 - $350 a week... (casual)

. . . what exactly is your job called ?
Software tester - I sit in a full up office and surf all day whilst the computers do the actual work

About £125 a week.
My job is at a deserted video store that stays open out of contract to center management...

i sit and play playstation because nobody comes in ... 8 hours... it sounds good but its shit really. No one to talk to...

As for my avatar... the fonz will be back as soon as a certain someone sees my avatar :D
well im off to walk to work..its like 30 degrees out. i thought i might inform you guys that im going to make one hell of a mess on the grill tonight.

30 degrees...farehneit? Well its -30 degrees celcius here (Edmonton Alberta, Canada) I'm working at a water treatment plant as a Chemical Engineer, doing "research" and "experiments" all day long, sometimes its fun, trying new technology and stuff, 50% of the time I just sit and surf the web. No way I'm going outside anytime soon, maybe in like 4 months or so, then we'll see, I've had to plug my car in for the past two weeks now or it wouldn't even want to start...but I love skiing, so one must make sacrifices for the things we love.

burnzie said:
My job is at a deserted video store that stays open out of contract to center management...

i sit and play playstation because nobody comes in ... 8 hours... it sounds good but its shit really. No one to talk to...

As for my avatar... the fonz will be back as soon as a certain someone sees my avatar :D

I'd much prefer that...Dealing with customers becomes a pain after a while. Especially since you're expected to basically forget your rights as a human being. The customer is always right :X Whoever thought of that was an idiot. I decided last week that if in fact the customer by some chance was wrong, I'd let them know it...worked pretty well. I went home quite satisfied, instead of annoyed at people who I might never see again.

I don't particually like the managers either, largely because they have done nothing which makes me want to stay at the shop. They have no motivational skills what-so-ever beyond primitive slave driving techniques. They expect you to run about for them, at the speed they want as if your life depends on it. They of course live for Tesco (The store) and everything is about Tesco, for some reason they assume the same of me...the art student working Saturdays :| They try to spur me on saying it will be good for the store, and if I don't do overtime on a certain day then the store might lose out (Thats how they tried to get me to work on Christmas eve...Plebs).

I'd better stop now because if I really get started, I'l be typing all night...

I'm sure you've guess by now, that I have a job :) £5 an hour :x But I make money other ways...something that interestingly my manager doesn't like. He thinks I'm somehow betraying him and, yes, the store.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I'd much prefer that...Dealing with customers becomes a pain after a while. Especially since you're expected to basically forget your rights as a human being. The customer is always right :X Whoever thought of that was an idiot. I decided last week that if in fact the customer by some chance was wrong, I'd let them know it...worked pretty well. I went home quite satisfied, instead of annoyed at people who I might never see again.

I don't particually like the managers either, largely because they have done nothing which makes me want to stay at the shop. They have no motivational skills what-so-ever beyond primitive slave driving techniques. They expect you to run about for them, at the speed they want as if your life depends on it. They of course live for Tesco (The store) and everything is about Tesco, for some reason they assume the same of me...the art student working Saturdays :| They try to spur me on saying it will be good for the store, and if I don't do overtime on a certain day then the store might lose out (Thats how they tried to get me to work on Christmas eve...Plebs).

I'd better stop now because if I really get started, I'l be typing all night...

I'm sure you've guess by now, that I have a job :) £5 an hour :x But I make money other ways...something that interestingly my manager doesn't like. He thinks I'm somehow betraying him and, yes, the store.

I understand... so very well... i only run that store sometimes (read: most of its opening hours) but i also work at the busy store and cop so much shit... i too have discovered its much more satisfying to let them know that there actually wrong and that i dont care for them one bit.
I sit on a PC all day, processing money for £170 a week. My job title :P is a Cashier or something.

Had 1 cheque yesterday from Aston Villa football club for £47'000....probably a footy players week's wages :upstare:

Farrowlesparrow said:
I'd much prefer that...Dealing with customers becomes a pain after a while. Especially since you're expected to basically forget your rights as a human being. The customer is always right :X Whoever thought of that was an idiot. I decided last week that if in fact the customer by some chance was wrong, I'd let them know it...worked pretty well. I went home quite satisfied, instead of annoyed at people who I might never see again.

I don't particually like the managers either, largely because they have done nothing which makes me want to stay at the shop. They have no motivational skills what-so-ever beyond primitive slave driving techniques. They expect you to run about for them, at the speed they want as if your life depends on it. They of course live for Tesco (The store) and everything is about Tesco, for some reason they assume the same of me...the art student working Saturdays :| They try to spur me on saying it will be good for the store, and if I don't do overtime on a certain day then the store might lose out (Thats how they tried to get me to work on Christmas eve...Plebs).

I'd better stop now because if I really get started, I'l be typing all night...

I'm sure you've guess by now, that I have a job :) £5 an hour :x But I make money other ways...something that interestingly my manager doesn't like. He thinks I'm somehow betraying him and, yes, the store.

Oooo! Nasty. I ****ing hate supermarkets. I worked at Sainsbury's for a year. I never had any problems with managers though, they was cool, except for the store manager and a few underneath him...they was'nt cool. My boss (who was like 25, would roll in half pissed...late) never give me a hard time which i was grateful for, because i hated everything about the job...i'd of probably walked out otherwise.

I used to stack shelf's on fresh foods aisles and i hated how fragile old women would walk right infront of you at the last second while your dragging a 400kg rollpalet >.< Or how customers would complain about things you just don't need to complain about, like how you have your shirt untucked or your shoes are'nt reflective, or how something really horrible isn't on the shelf...ahh man, the list goes on and on. This is no lie, we had one local woman who would properly start crying if you didn't have something in stock right infront of you...she was a nutter!.
I work for EMC as my co-op job. I go to school (I'm a senior in highschool) one week and the next week I work for a week. I make about $300 after taxes every other week. Its not bad I just help out my boss when he needs it but I have plenty of time to surf the net or read or do homework.
I work as a television cameraman. I earn between £35000 - £45000 per year.

However, the taxman is not my friend :(