Off Topic rules... FAO anyone

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May 15, 2003
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Right, IMO Off-Topic has long been in need of something like this.

Things NOT acceptable in Off-Topic:

Racist Humour

These will be deleted on sight, and the users who posted them will get a warning.

Hardware/Steam/Software questions will be moved, with a redirect :)
Notice how a woefully small amount of people have actually viewed this thread? Simply because it has "Rules" in the title.
try renaming it "Off Topic HOT SEX PORN BOOBS.... FAO anyone"
gettout of my closed thread

/me mutters 'Damn Admins'

I know... it's k, most people know the roolz, its okie :)
They do? Some people seem to be more than a little ignorant. Then again, i suppose you said most and not all.

Yay, i posted in your closed thread.
/me walks backwards into Badgers fist.

Hey...ow, that really hurt. Im gonna have a lump there tommorow.

What kind of person stands there waving their fist?
Well you shouldn't....its dangerous and you could have someones eye out...I dont know how exactly but wave anything around and someone almost invariably says "You'l av somewun's eye out wi that!"
Not wanting to take this off-topic, but someone said that to me on the beach the other day. They were referring to a huge beachball myself and my friends were playing with. I would still like to know how you could have someone's eye out with a beachball that is approximately 2 and a half feet in diameter.
It might hit them in the face, and the plastic of the ball could form a kind of vacum around hte person eye, holding it there. Then when some tries to take the beach ball away, it pulls out the eye....Or perhaps its just something that has to be said otherwise the universe will fall apart...Im sure that Stone would agree with me on that one....Hes like that, In a good way of course. :p
But Stone can't post in this thread :P .... it's Off Topic mods and Admins only :P

Was it a crazy old lady Zerim?
This reminds me of the time me and my mate Denning (he's 6ft 6 :eek: ) found a walking stick (I was also wearing my woman's coat, but thats another story ;) ) and we went to the top of Tankerton slopes and decided to stand well apart and throw it to each other... he plays rugby and threw it quite far, so I tryed really hard to throw it a long way, and it span out of control and hit a car passing by on the road. A guy popped his head out of the sun roof and was shouting w*nkers until we ran away.... ahhh... happy days.....
But he didn't say "you could have had my eye out with that!".
Bringing an old subject back from the dead. I was watching this new program called scare tactics. Anyway, its really bad but at the start they have a disclaimer and they say that its really dangerous trying to repeate what goes on in the show, and its done by professionals then the woman says "oh and you could have someones eye out".

Ah well.
I want the last post in this closed thread thank you.

You know, i bet we could say anything in here and no one would even notice. Who bothers to look at this thread anyway? Its the rules...
eh? I thought this wasn't your domain? Or are mods allowed to post in closed threads everywhere? Or are you a supermod :)
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