Official: Afghans sheltered SEAL from Taliban

Heard about this earlier, great news. People must understand that most Muslims don't like us; however, that doesn't mean they want us dead. This is a great case that proves that.
there's plenty of good muslims out there who like america, glad to see articles like this actually making the news
Icarusintel said:
there's plenty of good muslims out there who like america, glad to see articles like this actually making the news
So to be a good Muslim you must like America?
No Limit said:
So to be a good Muslim you must like America?
no, that's not what i said at all, a good muslim in my mind is someone who practices the religion peacefully and lives by the Koran
as compared to the extremist muslims who distort the Koran and preach violence and repressiveness
not all good muslims like america
Icarusintel said:
no, that's not what i said at all, a good muslim in my mind is someone who practices the religion peacefully and lives by the Koran
as compared to the extremist muslims who distort the Koran and preach violence and repressiveness
not all good muslims like america

Well said.
Icarusintel said:
no, that's not what i said at all, a good muslim in my mind is someone who practices the religion peacefully and lives by the Koran
as compared to the extremist muslims who distort the Koran and preach violence and repressiveness
not all good muslims like america
Just wanted to clarify; agreed.
Thats great. It reinforces my belief that there are many many good people out there in the muslim world, that do not hate us so vehemently.
That's just good news to prove that the Muslim stereotype is wrong.

Cute, he was saved in time for July 4th.
Icarusintel said:
no, that's not what i said at all, a good muslim in my mind is someone who practices the religion peacefully and lives by the Koran
as compared to the extremist muslims who distort the Koran and preach violence and repressiveness
not all good muslims like america
But doesn't the koran like the bible and other religious books preach violance in certain cases, like that of irak and afghanistan. Wheerem muslims have to fight the infidels.
Yes, I was delighted that my belief of the overwhelming Muslim majority doesn't want The West dead was certainly true after the events of the past week or so. Many Muslims in the UK are just as hateful of these terrorists as we are, standing united with the rest of the nation on their criminal activities. It's nice to see this in action again!
Hehe some Muslims like Americans, hell my sister in Iraq during the 2004 elections was overrun with Yay Bush! Boo Kerry! from the Iraqi civilians.