Official BF2 Special Forces trailer

Sweet mother of jesus, it'd better be good for 90mb. Im nearly capped out this month. Can anyone tell me if its really worth downloading/ what it shows?
J_Tweedy said:
Sweet mother of jesus, it'd better be good for 90mb. Im nearly capped out this month. Can anyone tell me if its really worth downloading/ what it shows?

It shows sweet, as yet unseen BF2:SF action.
Wow it looks really good, I'm off to pre-order! mouahahaha...
that looked very cool...

although i hope there is a few day maps...
Did I just see jetskis?!

And grapple hooks O_O...probably all predetermined grapple points though ;(
xlucidx said:
Did I just see jetskis?!

And grapple hooks O_O...probably all predetermined grapple points though ;(

Yes you did see Jetski's, theres also ATV's

And apparently the grapple isn't predetermined.
i like how the smoke made the eyes get blurry and such. But the only way those night levels can be cool is if the MEC forces don't have nightvision. Otherwise it's bascailly a normal daylight level...turned green.
Wait, but it would be ok for the USMC forces to have it? Talk about unbalanced...

EDIT: Does anyone know why those embedded videos never work for me??? They just stay black... and when I right click the screen, then click "error details" it just says the file format is invalid. This has been bugging me for a while...
yea, the mec's aren't American and therefore poor uncivilized folk without any form of modern technology such as night vision goggles.

...well what would be the point of having night time levels if everybody can just put on their goggles and see just fine? That would only make me hate the game. The whole point of night is to be sneaky, and the only way they could be sneaky is if they couldn't be seen, which would mean only 1 side having night vision and thus having to avoid light less they been seen.

You could make it so the MEC's could pickup the goggles off the dead USMC's. Of course they lose the goggles if they die though.
<High res @ GamersHell>

Watched it again and it gave me the impression that there are objectives. You see a guy pulling a lever to open a gate, and the spec ops has timed explosives now that seem to have a lot more power. I hope that's not just marketing. I'd love to have objectives.
It was sw33t :thumbs: Though I had to max out contrast and brightness on my monitor to see anything in the darkness. (I usually have contrast 100/100 and brightness 0/100 :P)