Official E3 2004 DISCUSSION Thread

Synthaxx R-or

Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
All discussion about E3 and its game showings will be kept in here, please post any news or media links in the E3 news thread, stickied above. Thankyou.

Well we're about halfway through the PRE-show day, and allthough no news has yet been released on Half-Life 2, other good things are in the works.

I thought i'd give you an update on some of the other things that i've found so far while hunting down every scrap of news on the web. Since we are gamers after all:

Sony: Biggest news from Sony is ofcourse the Sony PSP (allready nicknamed:"I WANTS ONE NOW!!!!@#@!").
Apperantly the web is allready assimilating screens and pictures of the actual press release, that's pretty fast ;) . It looks like it's gonna seriousely kick some ass!
On other fronts Sony announced that it has officially dropped it's price on the PS2 to $149! Pretty soon you'll be able to get one with your groceries ;)

Nintendo: No ... no ...NOOOO! This little snippet is what it's like on every news site that's reporting on Nintendo's new DS (dualscreen) portable. And unfortunately it looks like this design really is the new design for the highly acclaimed Gameboy Advance followup. The good news is that is features 2 screens (duh) and the lower screen will be a touchscreen, also it finally features 4 buttons on the front, wich i think is something that the Gameboy Advance should have had from the beginning.
Also being showed are a couple of the games that will probably be released together with the console, among these: Super Mario 64x4, WarioWare and Sonic.
On the Gamecube front, Nintendo showed some of the games coming out later this year, wich will probably include a Realistic looking Zelda (YAY! no more cellshading!). Another title on show is Metroid Prime 2: Hunters, followup to the massively acclaimed Metroid Prime.

And this is just the preshow. These are good times my friends.

Expect HL2 News to start hitting websites near you any minute now
I doubt we'll hear anything from Valve till tommorow at the soonest (tommorow for us yanks)
Well the Pre-E3 started at 3:30AM this morning as I was on a site which was updating all the info on Microsoft's Xbox lineup, among other things.

Even if we don't get content straight away we WILL get info straight away :)
Lets hope this site will survive the amounts of hits it will get after the HL2 presentations comes online :)
New HL2 videos.. never thought I'd see the day /me sheds a tear
It hasn't... yet.

I also can't believe ppl staying up for HL2 facts. It's way better to read them mid day or early morning then when you're sleepy late late at night.
Synthaxx R-or said:
Okay guys whether you like it or not, it's heading right for us at a rate of 22.000 anticipations a minute.

My suggestion is that we brake it up into two forum posts.

One will be "News only" in wich you can place links to new items on the web with a short description. We should make this a sticky. The other one is for the discussion.

This way we can keep al the new information in one place without clutter (and yes i know that this is the excact same thing as the "valve info" sticky, but seeing as that is a huge success, why not repeat it.)

This ofcourse is only a suggestion, but if the moderators agree, we can get to it.

The next few days are going to seriousely rock a$$, so lets all have a good one!

'Prediction for -News only- thread';

Same stuff as last year, oh and Valve promised us a new HL2 date, which they will miss.
I also can't believe ppl staying up for HL2 facts. It's way better to read them mid day or early morning then when you're sleepy late late at night.

are you serious, weren't you around when ign's new preview of hl2 kept a very big amount of people up until the late hours of night, b/c it was being released at midnight at l.a. time?
Synthaxx R-or said:
Well we're about halfway through the PRE-show day, and allthough no news has yet been released on Half-Life 2, other good things are in the works.

I thought i'd give you an update on some of the other things that i've found so far while hunting down every scrap of news on the web. Since we are gamers after all:

Sony: Biggest news from Sony is ofcourse the Sony PSP (allready nicknamed:"I WANTS ONE NOW!!!!@#@!").
Apperantly the web is allready assimilating screens and pictures of the actual press release, that's pretty fast ;) . It looks like it's gonna seriousely kick some ass!
On other fronts Sony announced that it has officially dropped it's price on the PS2 to $149! Pretty soon you'll be able to get one with your groceries ;)

Nintendo: No ... no ...NOOOO! This little snippet is what it's like on every news site that's reporting on Nintendo's new DS (dualscreen) portable. And unfortunately it looks like this design really is the new design for the highly acclaimed Gameboy Advance followup. The good news is that is features 2 screens (duh) and the lower screen will be a touchscreen, also it finally features 4 buttons on the front, wich i think is something that the Gameboy Advance should have had from the beginning.
Also being showed are a couple of the games that will probably be released together with the console, among these: Super Mario 64x4, WarioWare and Sonic.
On the Gamecube front, Nintendo showed some of the games coming out later this year, wich will probably include a Realistic looking Zelda (YAY! no more cellshading!). Another title on show is Metroid Prime 2: Hunters, followup to the massively acclaimed Metroid Prime.

And this is just the preshow. These are good times my friends.

Expect HL2 News to start hitting websites near you any minute now

Don't forget about Halo2's Multi-player showing. The game looks amazing.
Skullhair said:
Don't forget about Halo2's Multi-player showing. The game looks amazing.

I'm not really into X-Box.

Something about controlling an FPS with a controller just makes my skin crawl.

Besides, Halo was stolen from PC.

But to each his/her own.
Synthaxx R-or said:
And unfortunately it looks like this design really is the new design for the highly acclaimed Gameboy Advance followup. The good news is that is features 2 screens (duh) and the lower screen will be a touchscreen, also it finally features 4 buttons on the front, wich i think is something that the Gameboy Advance should have had from the beginning.

Unfortionatly? I love the new design, so retro! Gives me feeling of the old days when tetris rattled on my big refridgerator of a gameboy in NO COLOUR, that was soo sweet!
EVIL said:
Unfortionatly? I love the new design, so retro! Gives me feeling of the old days when tetris rattled on my big refridgerator of a gameboy in NO COLOUR, that was soo sweet!

Evil, 1982 called, they want their handheld back ;)

Hey and it's colour too :LOL:


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"And unfortunately it looks like this design really is the new design for the highly acclaimed Gameboy Advance followup"

To young to remember how Nintendo started out? That design takes me back to my childhood, good memories.

Main point: So far Ive manged to get the HL2 news Ive wanted and avoided spoilers, accept when some twat has'nt warned me before I read. My request is head posts somewhere with a spoiler warning where appopriate, there are some here that want to experience the game without knowing whats coming...
Synthaxx R-or said:
I'm not really into X-Box.

Something about controlling an FPS with a controller just makes my skin crawl.

Besides, Halo was stolen from PC.

But to each his/her own.

If you are gonna post news, you are gonna have to post it all, not just bits which appeal to you.....
sundance said:
"And unfortunately it looks like this design really is the new design for the highly acclaimed Gameboy Advance followup"

To young to remember how Nintendo started out? That design takes me back to my childhood, good memories.

Main point: So far Ive manged to get the HL2 news Ive wanted and avoided spoilers, accept when some twat has'nt warned me before I read. My request is head posts somewhere with a spoiler warning where appopriate, there are some here that want to experience the game without knowing whats coming...

Hehe, i'm 22 now so yes i clearly remember the game and watch series, the nes and the first itteration of the gameboy. I'm just a bit dissapointed that they modelled it after the game and watch wich wasn't very stylish even when it was released.

As for the spoilers, i'm shure the moderators will keep an eye open for any spoilerish material, and spoiler tag it when appropriate.
Murray_H said:
If you are gonna post news, you are gonna have to post it all, not just bits which appeal to you.....
It's a forum wich means that everyone can contribute, if someone wants to post other news please do. The Halo comment was directed at me, so i responded.
Like I said, to each his own.

Personally, hardware wise i'm putting my money on the psp :cheese:

/edit: what i'm saying is i'm biased. I'm a gamer, not a reporter. If I was a reporter i would ofcourse be more diplomatic in my words.
See the point, psp does appeal more in the looks department, one day someone in Nintendo will sit up, look in the mirror and realise they've aged, and *eventualy* come to the conclusion that it's user base has also aged, thus will then begin a new age of games aimed at this more mature audience.

On a side note, I gather someone realised the above, back when Zelda:ww was on the cards and produced something more dark and mature, something suited towards this audience, I also hear that his now dead... guess it'll never happen.
sundance said:
See the point, psp does appeal more in the looks department, one day someone in Nintendo will sit up, look in the mirror and realise they've aged, and *eventualy* come to the conclusion that it's user base has also aged, thus will then begin a new age of games aimed at this more mature audience.

I couldn't agree more! So far Nintendo has survived on the huge sales from the Gameboy series. Ofcourse the unveiling of the DS doesn't mean that Nintendo is automatically doomed, they still have the possibility to target a mature audience. But the form factor will work against them as far as developers are concerned. They will look at the machine and come to the conclusion that it has been designed for kids, and thus wil mostly come out with kiddy games.

On a side note, I gather someone realised the above, back when Zelda:ww was on the cards and produced something more dark and mature, something suited towards this audience, I also hear that his now dead... guess it'll never happen.

If you watch the movie on you will see that they infact have listened to the more mature audience, the look of their new zelda should appeal more to them as well. Great movie too, it sent shivers down my spine :cheese:
is it just me or is the nintendo ds a sptting image of the game&watch
Halo...does suck. And the XBOX clanboys should remember Halo was an almost finished PC game before Microsoft bought Bungie, for one simple reason...Halo.
Good idea with the sticky.

Just for the record. I suggested this a few days back in this
post....yeah...i just wanted to let you all know that....
amneziac85 said:
Halo...does suck. And the XBOX clanboys should remember Halo was an almost finished PC game before Microsoft bought Bungie, for one simple reason...Halo.

Whats not to love about Halo!? You play 80% of the game with a whopping 3 guns, fight mass hordes of walking pinecones and stickbugs aswell as drive something called a "warthog" classic!
Six Three said:
Whats not to love about Halo!? You play 80% of the game with a whopping 3 guns, fight mass hordes of walking pinecones and stickbugs aswell as drive something called a "warthog" classic!
I think that just about sums it up.
check this out guys.


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i saw that, excitement rose a notch. E3 insider is good stuff.
heh, last years was better. I much prefer just gordon
tried to edit this in, but 15 mins was up. This is the banner from last year (sorry, had a crap cam then)

My first day at E3 is thursday, then i go again friday. I have school tomorrow, then after that i get to go see The Mars Volta in concert. Score!
mars volta, e3, e3. I love my next 3 days.


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what a tough life. Hw come you can get into E3 if you are still at where is Mars Volta playing?
So how about an update? What time GMT is it now in LA? And when exactly are the HL2 showcases starting?

// The trailer that has been release, look mighty sweet tbh :eek:
I want more :)
Does the new trailer show anything new? sorry, im not very up to date atm :dozey:

Jmechy said:
tried to edit this in, but 15 mins was up. This is the banner from last year (sorry, had a crap cam then)

My first day at E3 is thursday, then i go again friday. I have school tomorrow, then after that i get to go see The Mars Volta in concert. Score!
mars volta, e3, e3. I love my next 3 days.

mars volta :bounce:

cant wait to see em in europe again
I think this is the right thread to ask these questions, since it would be kinda lame to start a whole new one just for this. Is Gabe having some kind of a Panel Discussion at E3, and what will he talk about? And are the two HL2 booths open all the time, or only like once in an hour. I quess the HL2 presentation will last about the same time as last year. So there would be a ½hour brake between every presentation...I don't know, answer me damnit! :D