*** Official Ending Poll. Like It Or Hate It? ***

Did you like or hate the ending (final story stuff, not the action) of Half-Life 2

  • I LIKED IT!!

    Votes: 119 78.8%
  • I HATED IT!!

    Votes: 13 8.6%
  • I'd like to know why people think putting official in the title makes it any more so. Thanks.

    Votes: 19 12.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Hey. Where's the option for that?
this needs a new option: "it was kinda cool, but didn't say much of anything. didn't hate it, but didn't love it either."

because that's what i'd vote for.
Excellent thread!!!!!

Finally someone makes one.

btw I hated it.
this needs a new option: "it was kinda cool, but didn't say much of anything. didn't hate it, but didn't love it either."

because that's what i'd vote for.
Abstain if you think that. I'm not interested in how many people thought it was ok.
I didn't like it - but I didn't hate it either. I'm more in between.
I liked the line the g-man said.

"Time Mr.Freeman... is that really that time again?"
One of my favs :D.
crownest said:
Sucks, made more questions than answers solved.

If they answered questions, what would be the point of making another half-life?
DreamThrall said:
If they answered questions, what would be the point of making another half-life?

He's right... we got questions but our questions are too deep into half-life universe... if they were answerd in HL2 Half-life 3 will be boring... and certinly not succesful as HL nor HL2.
Most of those that hated it was wanting the GMan to spill out every peice of information he knew.
Dagobert said:
Abstain if you think that. I'm not interested in how many people thought it was ok.
but i want to vote in the poll! i must make my voice heard!
Dsty2001 said:
Most of those that hated it was wanting the GMan to spill out every peice of information he knew.

Yeah, and it wouldn't even make sense if he did. It would be totally out of character.
Hated it. Cheap, cheap ending which I saw coming from about 30 miles away. Big anticlimax to a good game.

And to me the ending *should* answer some questions. What's the point of having a professional writer on-board and then not driving the plot forward (if indeed there is a plot for the 'meaning' of the G-Man)?
Yes, it was a little bit anticlimatic, but that in all likelihood means that the climax is yet to come :)

As far as "not driving the plot forward", I think we can both agree that there is far more known about the situation Earth is in, as well as about the relationship of Earth and Zen, than was known prior to HL2.
I loved it.

The ending did drive the plot forward. We learn that Gordon will always be trapped in a timeless state, called out in times of need to do the G-mans bidding and change history.

That's a pretty momentous revelation.
DreamThrall said:
Yes, it was a little bit anticlimatic, but that in all likelihood means that the climax is yet to come :)
I guess that's a nice way of looking at it.

As far as "not driving the plot forward", I think we can both agree that there is far more known about the situation Earth is in, as well as about the relationship of Earth and Zen, than was known prior to HL2.
Prior to HL2, yes, but I'd argue they're driving the plot 'sideways' rather than 'forwards'. Who is Gordon? Who is the G-Man? On those questions, I'm no wiser! It's a bit like a hollywood sequel thing - "HL2 - STARRING GORDON FREEMAN AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE". They couldn't figure out what to do, so let's just call it a few years in the future and make him do the same thing over again. And that's fine, I enjoyed it, but I was hoping for finding more about their motivations, rather than the same game in a different world.
koopa said:
Prior to HL2, yes, but I'd argue they're driving the plot 'sideways' rather than 'forwards'. Who is Gordon? Who is the G-Man? On those questions, I'm no wiser!
Gordon is the player.
koopa said:
Hated it. Cheap, cheap ending which I saw coming from about 30 miles away. Big anticlimax to a good game.

And to me the ending *should* answer some questions. What's the point of having a professional writer on-board and then not driving the plot forward (if indeed there is a plot for the 'meaning' of the G-Man)?

Didn't someone much wiser than me say "Necessity is the Mother of Invention"? By giving us questions it's making us want to find the answers! And not in a sucky Matrix Trilogy way - or 2001 a Space Odyssey way either come to mention it. Man did that film suck.

Oh and I loved the ending to HL2 btw
subtlesnake said:
Gordon is the player.
Smartass. I meant is Gordon even human, or is *he* an alien too. It's possible I have been thinking about this too much :E
Need a middle options. Of its "ok"

I enjoyed it alot but left feeling as if I should know more... or it should have lasted longer and been more difficult...
koopa said:
...Who is Gordon? Who is the G-Man? On those questions, I'm no wiser! ...

Check this out...

koopa said:
It's a bit like a hollywood sequel thing - "HL2 - STARRING GORDON FREEMAN AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE". They couldn't figure out what to do, so let's just call it a few years in the future and make him do the same thing over again. And that's fine, I enjoyed it, but I was hoping for finding more about their motivations, rather than the same game in a different world.
First, read #5.

I don't think it was that they couldn't figure out what to do... I mean, how deep can you make the script for an action movie before it turns into a drama. Like I said in the other thread, this is a FPS, an action game, not a RPG. I think a lot of what people are upset about is that they expected more than what was really offered here. (Read #4 in above link)
nagual678 said:
moderate feelings are banned ?
Or simply not tallied. I didn't think it was the best ending, but I certainly didn't hate it.
Dsty2001 said:
Most of those that hated it was wanting the GMan to spill out every peice of information he knew.
agreed. BTW loved it
DreamThrall said:
Hey, good find, thanks.

I don't think it was that they couldn't figure out what to do... I mean, how deep can you make the script for an action movie before it turns into a drama. Like I said in the other thread, this is a FPS, an action game, not a RPG. I think a lot of what people are upset about is that they expected more than what was really offered here. (Read #4 in above link)
First my problem is not with 'depth', but with 'direction'. The last thing I want is one of those games with hour long cutscenes telling you the 'story'. I want a good story and to shoot people with my supergravgun. I just felt the ending could have given us a little more. I was sort of glad they 'killed' Alyx though, which would be a brave decision if they did.

As to #4, I would like to have seen less scriipting (even at the cost of 'story'!), and I do get a bit annoyed at some of the 'OMG HL2 BEST GAME EVAR!' fanboys (not aimed at you) - I think in 6 months time people will say 'you know, it wasn't really worth 98%'. But I'm not really disappointed because I'm fairly pragmatic about what can and can't be done in games, and I knew a lot of the stuff that was being hinted years ago had to be lies anyway :)
It didn't answer too many questions and therefore kept me guessing. I'm now desperate for the next installment to this most awesome of games!!!!
koopa said:
Hey, good find, thanks.
Don't thank me, thank the HL2.net front page ;)

I don't think the scripting was that bad. It was spaced out, and when it was there, it served a purpose and wasn't really very intrusive.

There were a few problems I had with the pacing... for example, the whole thing with the vehicles... drive a while, get out and open a door, drive some more, open another door ... got a bit tedious after a while. The vehicles themselves were fairly cool, and there were some great cinematic moments involved with the both of them, but I think they got dragged out a bit much.

As for the HL2 fanboys and the screaming leet speak, I tend to stay away from them, but you've got to admit... what game, right now, comes even close? The only one that is anywhere near HL2 IMO is Far Cry, but that's still a fairly distant second.

As far as the ending goes though... I think it was the best way I've ever seen of saying "to be continued...".
tkato said:
He's right... we got questions but our questions are too deep into half-life universe... if they were answerd in HL2 Half-life 3 will be boring... and certinly not succesful as HL nor HL2.

By that logic they should NEVER answer any questions, they can make HL sequels forever that the fanboys can invent a storyline for. (which they do now)
CriYam said:
By that logic they should NEVER answer any questions, they can make HL sequels forever that the fanboys can invent a storyline for. (which they do now)
You're missing the entire point of a trilogy, they don't drain hl2 for everything it's worth, they want to start a new project, thus it will end with the third installment, and all of our questions will be answered, so quit whining.
L337_Assasain said:
You're missing the entire point of a trilogy, they don't drain hl2 for everything it's worth, they want to start a new project, thus it will end with the third installment, and all of our questions will be answered, so quit whining.

And the entire point of a trilogy is to be filler?

Please explain what the point of a trilogy is; and please give examples of a trilogy that someone has made.
The ending for HL2 was one of the worst i've ever witnessed.
It almost seemed like the devd ran out of time/money and just
"stopped" the game without any explanation to occuring events.
I liked it. It's the Gman. ;)

It reminds me of the Star Wars trilogy a lot. The first movie was a low budget film, yet it was very good and original. The second movie expanded with a lot better special effects and a good focus on Characters. The ending was left wide open as well.
joule said:

Hey. Where's the option for that?

I thought it was absolutely fantastic.

just wish that it would have come later (the end), but hey.. it was amazing regardless.