Official Joint Ops MP demo out this wednesday

I liked the beta demo for a beta... with a little bug fixing and maybe an easier way to tell you which way to actually go id LOVE the game.. its impressive to say the least

thanks for the heads-up il be getting this one for sure :D
Just getting it now from Fileplanet, the beta was amazing so i can't wait.
Hmmm, I liked the beta.... kind of...

It was too fast for my likeing. I mean they ran so bloody fast!! :eek:

That made it feel too arcade like for my likeing to be honest.

However I am downloading this demo to see what changes there have been anyway. :)
The beta was fun, but it was just blind luck whether you killed anyone or not, half the time you are trying to get to the combat, then when you get there a sniper picks you off in about a second, then you spend about 3 mins waiting at the better spawn points, or you could go to one spawn where no-one is waiting....only to find out the reason no-one is there is because there is a tit that is controlling a nade launcher and blowing up people in helis as they are about to take off :(

I hope they have changed some things to make it a bit more fun...
it looks better then the beta I can tell you that, but my ATI card was having problems at the start. I was seeing the ingame hud but everything else was black. I had to turn my graphics settings down in order for it to work.
Don't like this new map, to many snipers. That is the only thing I don't really like with the new demo, otherwise it was pretty good.
what a cra**y game
ive played alot of fps' in my day
this is a waste of time
battlefield wannabe :rolleyes:
I won't even bother downloading the new demo then. What a huge letdown to Novalogic fans. This game will probably get bad ratings.
Novalogic has made one good game to date Tachyon the fringe -_-. Lol i hate hate HATED black hawk down and this pretty much the same thing but add lighting and water..... which is another thing, how cant hey put a really nice lighting engine in like that... and then ignore basically every other new feature games are coming out with 0_o meaning physics good AI etc. Basically it sucks, just like every other novalogic fps.... damn shame to i was excited for it
good demo. i like it much better than battlefield. better looking, better gameplay, and day to night transitions. oh and battlefield copied codename eagle. so there. but games improve on each other, its the way things work
This game has worse graphics, worse gameplay than battlefield. Combat is a 'what the hell was that?' affair. The helicopter physics suck, vehicle physics suck compared to bf1942. Well, the faked physics anyways.
Novalogic shooters never were shooters, they were point and click games. You point at an enemy, you click, and you kill. That pretty much sums up the whole game. Weapons don't feel like real guns, they feel like laser weapons from the year 3499, no decent recoil at all. It's just *click click* at an enemy, and it's just the one that clicked sooner that wins. The game has an awful infantry feeling. That was never BF's strongest point either, but they really screwed up here.

Explosions look nice though.