Official Ultraviolet Trailer RELEASED!!!!

The Matrix meets Equilibrium meets Kill Bill?

Could be interesting!
Murray_H said:
The Matrix meets Equilibrium meets Kill Bill?

Could be interesting!
Also shades of Underworld and Resident Evil

Edit: nevermind, this thing seems way too derivative on a second viewing... and yeah, it definitely seems to lack intelligence
i say this movie should burn in h*** for now using its own god d**n music matrix stealers at least in the trailer
Disgraces likes this will never surpasss The Matrix.
*end of discussion
Icarusintel said:
Also shades of Resident Evil

Please, don't remind me of that absolute hunk of shit...ARGH MILLA WHAT THE **** WERE YOU THINKING!!! (and the games were good too :()
jmjneary said:
i say this movie should burn in h*** for now using its own god d**n music matrix stealers at least in the trailer
While I wasn't exactly impressed by their use of it, it's not exclusive music to The Matrix. Many films have used it for their trailers and in the actual content. Get a damn clue.

That said, why the hell are people comparing this to the Matrix? Have you people got some sort of nervous disposition against Kurt Wimmer's films that make you feel threatened by your precious movie? Equilibrium was fantastic, and this looks set to be damn fine as well. Comparing to Blade/2 or Underworld/Evolution I could understand, but it's so far gone from the Matrix it just seems really stupid.
Especially when Equilibrium had a much better plot than the Matrix. The Matrix is almost an exact copy off of the comic The Invisibles.
Axyon said:
While I wasn't exactly impressed by their use of it, it's not exclusive music to The Matrix. Many films have used it for their trailers and in the actual content. Get a damn clue.

That said, why the hell are people comparing this to the Matrix? Have you people got some sort of nervous disposition against Kurt Wimmer's films that make you feel threatened by your precious movie? Equilibrium was fantastic, and this looks set to be damn fine as well. Comparing to Blade/2 or Underworld/Evolution I could understand, but it's so far gone from the Matrix it just seems really stupid.

Wow we have a total 2 people who think the movie looks cool. Good stuff, hope you enjoy the movie i know ill be seeing it on Feb 24th.
To be honest it looks like one of those movies where the trailer is ten times better then the movie itself, because they showed all the best parts of all the best action sequences really fast one after the other and put some good music to go with it.
DeusExMachinia said:
It seems like Equilibrium only minus the intelligence.

I didn't find Equilibrium that intelligent. It was a rehash of 1984 with martial arts and lots of guns.
Looks craptastic :laugh:

OK so it may have lots of action sequences and Milla is in tight pants but other than that meh.
Looks stupid. Cliched plot, action, etc.

How many times do we have to hear about the super soldier who is wanted dead and ends up killing everything? Especially in this context (IE, it can be done well, like in Serenity).
mortiz said:
I didn't find Equilibrium that intelligent. It was a rehash of 1984 with martial arts and lots of guns.

I found the way it combined all the dystopian novels and the action intelligent.

I mean COME ON, we know you're a hack and can't get enough of a budget to do everything you want but stop being a shithead and at least make the cars look futuristic.
DeusExMachina said:
The Matrix is almost an exact copy off of the comic The Invisibles.

Holy shit someone else has read it. :eek:

I reckon the film looks like it might actually be alright. Time will tell of course. And I also reckon the moden-day cars lend a patina of near-futureness to it...I mean, when you think about it, cars haven't changed that much in terms of looks in the last 30 years. Granted they look exactly the same but it didn't really bother me.
yeah but okay for example, in equilibrium, they were driving around in like 1995 cadillacs...

And this movie looks like at least 60 to 70 years in the future, 70 years ago, there weren't even speed limits.
Looks like an identi-kit action movie (bit of this, bit of that) very generic.

The Matrix is almost an exact copy off of the comic The Invisibles.
Big fan of the Invisibles here, and I never saw a real resemblance, sounds like youre just repeating rumours. Care to extrapolate ?
DeusExMachinia said:
It seems like Equilibrium only minus the intelligence.

Equilibrium? Intelligence? Please.. :hmph:

I kinda liked it because Christian Bale was so god damn hilarious, they certainly picked the right (read:wrong) actor to play someone who's supposed to be emotional.
Meh, looks average. Then again, I never liked the Matrix (the first was about as crap as its sequels) and thought Equilibrium was pretty average as well.
SAJ said:
Looks like an identi-kit action movie (bit of this, bit of that) very generic.

Big fan of the Invisibles here, and I never saw a real resemblance, sounds like youre just repeating rumours. Care to extrapolate ?

King Mob being kidnapped and the Invisibles have to save him? King Mob freaking looks like Morpheus, the main character could be the next Buddha, "enlightened one." The conspiracy, etc. Alright, "exact" was probably the wrong word, but I think its pretty apparent the similarities. I mean, the Invisibles has obvious similarities to Phillip K. Dick's books just as the Matrix does.

I kinda liked it because Christian Bale was so god damn hilarious, they certainly picked the right (read:wrong) actor to play someone who's supposed to be emotional.

He doesn't start feeling till near the end of the movie so him being apathetic fits his character. And besides the fact he has to fake his indifference as not to be discovered :|.
there's nothing wrong with them using the matrix music, Clubbed to death ****ing rocks.
The film looks samey to me, i guess it appeals to some... but viruses, super humans, fighting the authority.. its all been done before.
King Mob being kidnapped and the Invisibles have to save him? King Mob freaking looks like Morpheus, the main character could be the next Buddha, "enlightened one." The conspiracy, etc. Alright, "exact" was probably the wrong word, but I think its pretty apparent the similarities. I mean, the Invisibles has obvious similarities to Phillip K. Dick's books just as the Matrix does
Thanks for clearing that one up for me, I always thought the comparisons were about the setup rather than specific story events.
You hear "its like the invisibles" and my reaction is; "how so? I dont see any 70's era detectives being deprogrammed via a large wicker man or any time travelling south american shamen trannies in it?"

Ah, the Invisibles, if it wasnt so old it would deserve a thread (or two) all to itself.
The Invisibles is something that would be interesting a TV mini-series. I could see it as HBO's most popular series to date.
I'll sit on my hands and wait for this one. Looks stylish and slightly goofy enough to be worthwhile, or it could be a total over the top flop. I've got an eyepeeled for it though.
mortiz said:
I didn't find Equilibrium that intelligent. It was a rehash of 1984 with martial arts and lots of guns.

By the way, that movie looks terribly mind-numbing, but I wouldn't doubt its awesome action scenes. The "Matrix" song is called "Furious Angels" by Rob Dougan, and its great for action movies.