Official Xbox Magazine Latest Scores | SC3 and JadeEmpire


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Translated using google :P

Jade Empire (Xbox, bio commodity) 9,4
+ looking outstanding characters and class Design.
+ plentifully Nebenaufgaben.
+ replay value.
+ the real time fights and combat styles are innovative.
- Framerate problems.
- spieldauer somewhat shortguessed/advised.
- too few synchronous speakers.

Splinter Cell chaos Theory (Xbox, Ubisoft): 9,9
+ the graphically most breath-robbing Xbox play of all times: ' is that Xbox 2?'+ the graphically most breath-robbing Xbox play of all times: ' is that Xbox 2?'
+ ' Free form the Gameplay ' provides for continuous fun.
+ the Surround sound is upsetting, Michael Ironside shines as SAM Fisher.
- only four CO-OI missions is too few.
- quotation: ' it is so difficult to describe... If it had only the ' soul ', to hypnotisieren you.

Other Games :
Brothers in arm (Xbox, Ubisoft): 9,6
Doom 3 (Xbox, Microsoft): 9,2

AREA 51 (Xbox, Midway): 6,8
Star Wars Republic Commando (Xbox, LucasArts): 8,2
Worms 3D (Xbox, Sega): 8,1
Worms Forts: Under of victories! (Xbox, Sega): 6,8
MVP baseball 2005 (Xbox, I/O): 9,0
Major League baseball 2K5 (Xbox, Sega): 7,4
Time fragment Future Perfect (Xbox, I/O): 7,9
Super Monkey ball Delux (Xbox, Sega): 7,2
Talk Ninja: End to OF Honor (Xbox, Vivendi): 3,0
Rugby 2005 (Xbox, I/O): 7,2
FIFA Street (Xbox, I/O): 5,4
Sweet thanks, are you really from kuwait?

I cant wait for Chaos Theory (PC) and may just pick up Jade Empire, it's seeming to be what FABLE should have been.
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
Splinter Cell is overratted

This really depends on if you like the style of gameplay, each staple of the series has seen absolutely no change except of enviorment and run of the mill clancy (oh noes russian arms deal, terrorizts have nukezz!!!) plot. If you like the gameplay though, you cant wait to see whats next in the series.
Good to see Jade Empire getting a decent score. Can't wait to pick this up :)
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory pwns me!

Co-Op will be fantastic using the SC3 graphics engine!!! Versus mode does look fine with the Pandora Tomorrow engine, but I wish if/when they do SC4 they update it or else they will get highly criticized

Heck they should just make them into one engine, and combine studios...
yea babyhead im really from Kuwait.
Is the SC3 coop on the PC version too ? or is it xbox exclusive ?

Edit : good to see that BiA got another great score
in relation to sc3,its a official xbox mag,what do you expect?9.9 for sc3,hmm,i highly doubt its as good as a 9.9 which can be rounded off to a 10,official mags suck ass

lol sc and 'freeform gameplay',could they explain that to me?
Those scores are really bad considering OXM hardly ever gives a score below 9