Offline mode needs seperate .exe


Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
They should really incorporate a secondary .exe strickly for offline mode (no updates, just having having to have it open so you can play your game anytime you want)

What if i didn't have internet access on my computer? They should just make it mandatory if you ever want to play it online.

Ie... hl2... say steam is down for a day and that means i can't play hl2 for a day because steam is having problems and i hafta re-log in the database so i can play singleplayer

seems kind of retarded to me IMOH :upstare:
Then you run into the problem of people downloading the game to different computers and allowing people to play the game in offline mode for free.
:( never though about that one

looks like steam is used for anti-piracy too
When steam is down it will popup saying "blahblah unavailable"

2 buttons appear "retry" and "offline mode"
That would truly suck if HL2 wouldn't work because someone hacked steam...and made them go offline...
But yeh, like bass said, if Steam goes down, you can just run offline. You just have to make sure you don't logout.