Oh jesus...GTA:SA Attacked for...


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
The unlocked sex games!

This is just god damn retarded.

Yee refers to recently revealed sex mini-games which are apparently unlockable (using a third-party crack) in the PC version of San Andreas. While Rockstar and Take-Two have yet to comment on the mini-games, Yee says the newly discovered content merits an AO rating.

What about UT2004 and the nude skins and sex-esque mutators?
Or Half-Life / HL2 with the nude skins?
Or any other game with skins / mods pretaining to sex?
FFS... Another ****ing cheap shot at a game. :upstare:
they're all dumbasses and its a fact that some people want to complain about stuff for the sake of complaining...i think live8 got complaints because of the swearing which i think is just absolutley ludicrous because there was bound to be swearing with ROCK BANDS playing at the biggest GIG of their LIFE, highly strung on adrenaline and probably other stuff

its pathetic because there are some toss heads moaning about stuff they know nothing about like i said just for the sake of it
Unlike an M rating, which indicates mature themes and suggests a game should only be played by those age 17 or older, games rated AO contain "prolonged scenes of intense violence and/or graphic sexual content and nudity," and are limited to players 18 and older.

All that just to get the rating bumped by one year?
Way to go, Timmy Yee.
Well, for HL2, UT2k4 and all the above, those are USER MADE mods that add these. The GTA:SA one (is said in the article) is original game content that can be UNLOCKED by a third party mod - which means, it came with the game.

edit: Mecha, it may be one year, but most retailers DONT ever carry AO games. I doubt they might make an exception with GTA:SA, I don't know though. It's probably mainstream enough to warrent carrying it even if it's AO.
Its uncomplete code and then some modders dug it out. Regular ol' people can't access it unless they try to.
Sober said:
edit: Mecha, it may be one year, but most retailers DONT ever carry AO games. I doubt they might make an exception with GTA:SA, I don't know though. It's probably mainstream enough to warrent carrying it even if it's AO.

No video games retailer in their right mind would avoid stocking GTA.
Well if stores stop carrying it.... Online Stores may just get alot more sales..
Thankfully I dont live in the US and they don't regulate games strictly here so I can buy it whatever age I am. Even if i'm in school uniform.
Where do you live Jelly...im on the next flight there.
Minerel said:
Where do you live Jelly...im on the next flight there.

Edit: Oh wait retailers dont stock AO games here, but anything under AO you can buy at any age.

It's sad that chewing gum's more heavily regulated than video games here :) I have a friend whose aunt was detained by immigration authorities for 5 hours for bringing a pack of chewing gum into the country.
JellyWorld said:

Edit: Oh wait retailers dont stock AO games here, but anything under AO you can buy at any age.

It's sad that chewing gum's more heavily regulated than video games here :) I have a friend whose aunt was detained by immigration authorities for 5 hours for bringing a pack of chewing gum into the country.


Total land area:
697.1 sq km. Comprises one main island (617.1 sq km) and some 63 offshore islands. Among the offshore islands, the larger ones are Pulau Tekong (2365.5 hectares), Pulau Ubin (1023.9 hectares) and Sentosa (460 hectares).

Between latitudes 1º 09´N and 1º 29´N and longitudes 103º 36´E and 104º 25´E.

Singapore has an equatorial climate, which is warm and humid all year round. Rain is felt throughout the year.

Average daily temperature:

Average daily maximum:

Average daily minimum:

Annual rainfall:
2,345 mm

Average daily relative humidity:

anyway, I think GTA is banned here, no retailer or online store sells it.
Go ahead, let them rate it AO. It won't do **** to sales.
JellyWorld said:

Edit: Oh wait retailers dont stock AO games here, but anything under AO you can buy at any age.

It's sad that chewing gum's more heavily regulated than video games here :) I have a friend whose aunt was detained by immigration authorities for 5 hours for bringing a pack of chewing gum into the country.

I don't live their, but yeah, that'st pretty true. Spit - INSTANT 5 STAR RATING!!!!

Ah, my mind's still stuck on San Andreas.

They're just alarmists. Why doesn't someone tell them to take down the internet? That should occupy them for a while. And they're so technologically stupid they couldn't even do it after a couple dozen mellenia. Uh... damn, need a spellcheck.

I bet Jack Thompson is involved in this somewhere.
Sober said:
Well, for HL2, UT2k4 and all the above, those are USER MADE mods that add these. The GTA:SA one (is said in the article) is original game content that can be UNLOCKED by a third party mod - which means, it came with the game.

edit: Mecha, it may be one year, but most retailers DONT ever carry AO games. I doubt they might make an exception with GTA:SA, I don't know though. It's probably mainstream enough to warrent carrying it even if it's AO.

Ever play MaxPayne2? If you enable the debuger mode and flip thru the models youll find a nude woman(but they left out the parts to the soulth). No mods, hacks or cracks. AND it was left in by rockstar.

The assemblyman argues that the ESRB, which is funded by the video game industry, has an incentive not to rate games AO, which can hurt sales. "Clearly the ESRB has a conflict of interest in rating these games," he said. "Plain and simple, parents cannot trust the ESRB to rate games appropriately or the industry to look out for our children's best interests."

children's? a 17 year old is a kid now?
I'd say under 20 was 'child' age to be fair :)
You got Kids/Children, then you got "Younguns". 0-16 your a Kid/Child. 17-21 your a "Youngun"

Damn my 1 year to go till freedom!
DieHard said:
Ever play MaxPayne2? If you enable the debuger mode and flip thru the models youll find a nude woman(but they left out the parts to the soulth). No mods, hacks or cracks. AND it was left in by rockstar.

The assemblyman argues that the ESRB, which is funded by the video game industry, has an incentive not to rate games AO, which can hurt sales. "Clearly the ESRB has a conflict of interest in rating these games," he said. "Plain and simple, parents cannot trust the ESRB to rate games appropriately or the industry to look out for our children's best interests."

children's? a 17 year old is a kid now?

Was that ever attacked by these vultures?
forget the being able to slaughter innocent pedestrians with a chainsaw, there is sex! /gets out lynching rope
JellyWorld said:
Thankfully I dont live in the US and they don't regulate games strictly here so I can buy it whatever age I am. Even if i'm in school uniform.

Meh you can buy just about any game down here with no problems. Heck I bought a load of violent games at EB last week and no one asked any questions.

Hours later my 18 year old brother tells me the same EB store asked his age becuase he bought a cheap DVD which had some gore on the cover. There you go developers and publishers, put a big smiley face on the box cover and nobody will care.