Oh my...new horror movie

Jan 28, 2009
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I just saw the previews for some horror movie that, to me, looks incredibly hilarious. It come off this way because the bad guy in the film is some dude who looks exactley like the Pyro in TF2. When I see it, all I hear is the hilarious muffles of yelling.




I don't know why the pictures didn't work, but I'm not too good at that. The movie is called My Bloody Valentine
Yeah i know what you mean. I can't help but picture the killer air-guitaring with his axe over his victims and going "rrrhnnnn-rhh-rhhh"
I just read in a history book about something when everyone looked like the Pyro. It was called the Blitz.

Everyone with a gas mask looks like the Pyro.

I guess they must have modelled her on the Combine...
I saw this in January. It sucked. The "zomg who is it" thing was kinda cool because it kept jumping back and forth. But the gore, characters, story, eh, all incredibly weak.