Oh my ...




What does it all mean ?

IS Valve stupid, and producing expectations of products it wont be able to release in the near future?

Or should i be expecting CS2 come 'summer' 2004 aswell?

Or has the Inq. got the wrong end of the stick???

Thoughts? Or are we sick of speculation by now?
they are also the one who reported from a "classified and very reliable source inside valve" that Sept. 30th was still on.

I say forget 'em. Let's see what happens at E3. If we don't see MP, maybe we'll at least hear what it is.
If this happens it would be so sad... ;( ;( ;(

CS2??? How long will people be clutching their coupons waiting for that? Hard to believe Valve could sink lower...

The only way Valve can redeem themselves in my eyes is if HL2 truly rocks, it better be a tour de force on both the single player and multiplayer fronts :burp:
which is unlikely? i have this crazy feeling HL2 may well rock.
The keyword here is 'inquirer', as in: don't take it serious.

I think by releasing a product just after HL2, they're drawing attention away from HL2, so they won't.
Could of course be that CS2 is done already and is being bundeled with the r480 (or the r500) to be released at the end of the year.
Keeson said:
If this happens it would be so sad... ;( ;( ;(

CS2??? How long will people be clutching their coupons waiting for that? Hard to believe Valve could sink lower...

The only way Valve can redeem themselves in my eyes is if HL2 truly rocks, it better be a tour de force on both the single player and multiplayer fronts :burp:

lol the article is bullshit...
The Inquirer is a fake internet-zine isn't it, it just guesses at every possibility and occasionaly wings stuff. Should i get the ATI X800?
Its retail partners have to pay and make the decision whether they want it, and will pay for it.
Coincidentally, I will have to pay for ice cream and make the decision whether I want it, and will pay for it.

The entire thing is a grammatical nightmare. It looks like a child just took some interesting brands like 'Counter Strike 2' and some other words and then tossed them at random on the page.

I can't understand a damn thing thay're trying to express, other than that they have no quotes or sources listed. What a crappy site.
Are they purposefully named after those supermarket tabloids that report the apocalypse every other day?
yeah, it's a bullshit site, they reported on HL2 being canned not that long ago.
I'd take the whole article with a pinch of salt but lets face it cs2 would be far quicker to make with a conversion to source than a whole new game. The design is already done. Just need to get the modelling, mapping and gfx done. Weapon profiles wouldn't take too long to tweak. Bare in mind the original was made by 2 people in a basement. Now they are at valve along with about 20 other people.
I still play the odd round of CS, so I can wait for the sequel. Although if it's anything like the first one it'll swallow my social soul! The mrs will not be impressed ;)
Rupertvdb said:
The Inquirer is a fake internet-zine isn't it, it just guesses at every possibility and occasionaly wings stuff. Should i get the ATI X800?

They are not fake!!! If you think that you are uninformed. I've been reading "the Inquirer" and before that "the Register" for years. They are correct on alot of the stuff they write about.

The Radeon X800pro and X800 XT won't ship till the end of the month, who is to say there won't be a CS2 coupon in those boxes.

One thing I am concerned about is the fact that Valve is setting a poor example for the rest of the PC gaming industry to follow. Its really unprecedented to sell vapourware through coupons in video card boxes. They seem to have figured out a way to sell HL2 and CS2 without a publisher thru ATI. If other companies start doing this it would be a real shame.

If Microsoft would promise the next Windows on a certain date and partner with DELL and ATI for example and encourage people to buy new hardware and then fail to deliver said software with Bill Gates saying "Ummmm... we didn't want to tell u dudes it would ummmm like be delayed and stuff... ummm cause we wanted a clearer idea of when we would release, what's the problem man???". You know they would be up to their asses in litigation.

Valve on the other hand can make up fake release dates and sell coupons for unreleased games and make people wait for months and months and the people at this site think they are great! :rolleyes:
Yeah, you shouldn't take them too seriously, since they post everything they hear.
ferd said:
funny, so CS2 is announced :p

fine by me, all the CS-morons (if you play CS and enjoy it, you are automaticly stupid, i dont care if you have a PH.D from yale) will just buy CS2 and leave HL2 the **** alone... :cheese:
The register is a far classier site than the inquirer. Not because I worked for the company that built the site or anything..........