Oh noes, im at it again. *Patent Granted* to 'free' energy device


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
'free' because it isnt actually free, it's just misunderstood. (read up about zero-point energy if you havnt , all things will become clear)


Bearden, The One name that has cropped up countless amounts of times , and is slandered and discredited by modern science for his findings, has gone ahead and amazingly got a patent for a zero point energy Motionless Electromagnetic

early stages still, but more info on the zero point energy front, and food to thought on the Sci Fi like discovery,

100 years they said?.. bah, I always knew it, we got electricity from the electron without understanding it, looks like we might be about to do the same with zero point.
I have to admit, the more I hear about this...the more promising it sounds. If indeed they do "start commercial production" I just hope I could get my hands on one before the world blows up.

Edit: Imagine what this would do to the world. How things would change...I honestly wonder, if of course this things works, what will happen to countries around the world once this thing hits. Free energy would change everything. Huge parts of economy live off oil, and it would simply become obsolete. Ok, so there are things like plastic and other small scale stuff but its not really the same.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I have to admit, the more I hear about this...the more promising it sounds. If indeed they do "start commercial production" I just hope I could get my hands on one before the world blows up.

Edit: Imagine what this would do to the world. How things would change...I honestly wonder, if of course this things works, what will happen to countries around the world once this thing hits. Free energy would change everything. Huge parts of economy live off oil, and it would simply become obsolete. Ok, so there are things like plastic and other small scale stuff but its not really the same.
I don't think it's gonna change anything much....I know I'm gonna get one once it hits the market, but I know it's not gonna change the world.Were still gonna be dependent on oil and gas.
well you'd probably buy one, and it would last for a few life times,

hook it upto your house, disconnect from those stupid pylon thingies, and voila, your more independent. and problem free on those energy bills.

as for not changing the world much,, 3rd world can benifit from this too. :)
when i first heard about this i was all 'yeah yeah...</sarcasm>' but the more i read up on it the more it convinces me there could be at least soemthing in it! :o
It's just too..... unhyped for such a revolution. I'm not yet convinced that it's genuine, not convinced that it's fake either.
Oil corporations will downplay it like hell, and hey ... we all know they control the world,and the world media, they will try to fight it for the sake of control and profit... but if the masses see it working for themselves
it will most likely also get added to the electromagnetic spectrum,, and it all points in one direction....

everything that we 'percieve' as seperate, is infact not. it is one.

we are truely beings of energy.

the seperateness is just an illusion of the senses

, and the beauty of understanding zero point is, you can explain why gravity exists, and its links , 'electro gravetics' will likely be possible in theory (even though some claim they have stumbled across it already :naughty: ), though putting it into words doesnt really do it all justice
clarky003 said:
well you'd probably buy one, and it would last for a few life times,

hook it upto your house, disconnect from those stupid pylon thingies, and voila, your more independent. and problem free on those energy bills.

as for not changing the world much,, 3rd world can benifit from this too. :)
Actually it would be free if you was produceing lots of energy, because theres this law (I think it's a law) where the electric company will pay you for the electricty you give them. (I know it sounds weird) But basically you use that money they give you to pay that very small electric bill that was used to start it up.
Um...that patent was obtained over two years ago....

Oh and any "free energy" device would be a lot more credible if Tom Bearden's name was not associated with it.


Let's look at a few things. According to Tom Bearden:

- The US weather is controlled by the Russians.
- The US space shuttle has been shot down by Russians.
- The Gulf War Disease was caused by the Russians.
- There is a Neurophone that transmits messages directly into the brain. And this science has of course been taken over by, you guessed it, the Russians.
- There is a coming attack on the US by communist Energetic Superweapons.
- All of science is wrong. He is right.
- 8 nations are using Western Austrailia as a target range for secrte weapon experiments.

...and I could go on and on, but that was just with a few minutes of browsing his website. Sorry if I'm being "immature", but I take the claims of such a person with a large grain of salt. I hardly see how that is being unreasonable.
And here for a look at his "science".


I thought we'd already covered Bearden? The man believes every conspiracy theory ever invented and still thinks the russians are out to take over the world by controlling our weather.
yup Bearden is a nut Job, maybe thats why he obtained a working patent....? most world changing inventor's are pretty Craaazzzzy :D
I don't think the oil era is gonna last that long anymore since the reserves are getting depleted. This article shows that there are alternative methods of 'creating' energy, and in the end were gonna have to use them if we still want to drive our cars.
I wonder what the oil companies and such will do when the reserves are empty. Maybe they'll change to production of these zero-point energy devices or something so they can still stay in energy business (though I have the feeling they'd make these devices quite expensive since they have a long life).

Technology like this has the potential of changing the way of living (just look at what the computer changed), the question is: how much will our way of living change? They surely could use a device like this in third-wirld countries, but they still need the proper infrastructure to use the gained energy.
And what about the western world; for example: we could all start living in moveable houses, powered by the zero-point device. No need to stay on the same spot because you're bounded by energy supply infrastructure. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
clarky003 said:
yup Bearden is a nut Job, maybe thats why he obtained a working patent....? most world changing inventor's are pretty Craaazzzzy :D

Ya, except he applies the same methods to science as well.
if its all true, its pretty powerful and potent stuff, I mean its essentially as far as we have gotton to the fabric of our very existence!, mess with it in the wrong way and its not good..


I dont want to see us abuse this technology for negative means, that would'nt be the point of finding it,, I dunno maybe the human race is too immature to cope with this discovery, superficiality may create difficulties.
Tr0n said:
I don't think it's gonna change anything much....I know I'm gonna get one once it hits the market, but I know it's not gonna change the world.Were still gonna be dependent on oil and gas.

Won't change anything...One reason why electric cars are so unpopular is the fact that electricity is so expensive. In fact, I'm sure that people would figure out a way to just lump one of these devices into a vehicle and power it from that.

No more oil.

Cheap, possibly even free energy would make so many things change. Literally no more need for all these variety of power stations we currently have. No more debates over renewable energy sources such as wind power etc...

Of course, thats if this is all true :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Of course, thats if this is all true :)
Yep those are the keywords we are all waiting for.Only time will tell.... :(
argh just found this, this is about as official as it gets,


Perendev's motor is on Americanantigravity.com
, the site with those lifter thingies.

imagine if you put that thing on a magnetic bearing in a vaccum, reinforce it, and it would spin so fastoRz.

you could power cars, buses, trains, , the possibilities are there

and the best thing!,, no sound!... woot relaxing train journey's with a pretty much silent engine.
It's man's nature to abuse things for his own advantage, so one can be sure that someone will make misuse (or at least try to) of inventions like these.
Maybe we can make a new thread (in case it hasn't been discussed before on this board) to talk about 'inventions being allowed to be invented'.
This is a really cool idea....but I don't like the part where it says it sucks the energy out of TIME ITSELF.

Dont we kinda need time?

Thats sort of important to the way we've got stuff set up here isn't it?
Maybe we can make a new thread (in case it hasn't been discussed before on this board) to talk about 'inventions being allowed to be invented'.

thats a very cool idea, if the mods will allow it, twud be awsome, not to get false hopes up,,, but as a subject of importance, and informative discussion.. might turn a few heads.. to be honest every little helps..
Heh. At least you're not bitter about the scepticism of some of the board members (myself included).

It would be truly wonderful if such devices existed but it seems too good to be true and it goes against everything I know. I'll keep an open mind though. Please continue to keep up informed, Clarky.
I try to keep an open mind on new theories of physics as genuine advances have always been met with great skepticism in the past.

In the past, however, there has been evidence to back up new theories, that isn't the case for MEG. When outside obsrves failed to recreate measurements that demonstrate free energy being produced by the MEG, Mr. Beardon claimed that modern lab equipment destroys the over unity effect. Yep, that's what he said.

Tom Beardon also claimed to have cured cancer a while back. You'd think that his published cure really worked the medical community would have caught on by now.
JimmehH said:
Heh. At least you're not bitter about the scepticism of some of the board members (myself included).

It would be truly wonderful if such devices existed but it seems too good to be true and it goes against everything I know. I'll keep an open mind though. Please continue to keep up informed, Clarky.
Nothing is to wonderful to be true. - Michael Faraday
Just watch, he'll disappear one day. The they will find his body in the desert. Cause of death: Drowning.
And no I'm not laughing at the possobilitys of creating energy, I'm laughing at the people who actually think this is going to mean free energy, HAHAHAHAHAAHA, OMG! You're sooo funny.
Common siriously haven't you people learned anything looking back at history, this won't mean free energy, somewhere someone will find a way to make you pay a lot of mony for it, just look at all shell( oilcompany) who is allready patenting some forms of hydrogen technology. Energy will become free only when the people wh omake money off it find a different way of making money of it, for example if giving us free energy makes them sell something to us more and thus makes them more money. I'll bet it will be somewhere between 3 to 500 years before electirc energy becomes free.
"Just look back at history..."

What history? Nothing like this has happened. The closest comparison would be nuclear power, but really thats entirely different because it still requires fuel which the averge person simply cannot get hold of.

I've no dout these machines would be expensive to buy, but once you have one...then you really do have free energy.
First it probably won't be that simple, it never is.
Look energy is pretty much the backbone of the worlds economys, the third world would benefit so much fom this, but the opposit happen to the west, it would destroy our dominant position, and I doubt the west will allouw this this to happen, besides it would mean nations like North Korea could become stronger, doubt that the West would allow it, and another thing I just read that MEG thing, ansd it says it was inventen in 2002 and they wanted to begin production within a year, so its fake, or else the main media would have picked up on it.
Oh yeah and does anybody know if the patent office has on its site all the patents given so we could check if this patent was ever given.
You don't seem to understand the phrase "FREE ENERGY". What they mean is that it is FREE to access. You don't need to burn anything or boil anything to get this energy. Its just there, all you have to do is get it out of the vacume of space-time.
Of course you have to pay for it.