Oh stfu you stupid SHEEPLES!!!


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
I am so ****ing sick of joe six pack bleating like sheep with pichforks up their ass about video games and the degredation of society because of them

shacknews said:
....controversy in Boston over advertisements for Rockstar Vancouver's Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (PSP) displayed on local subway trains. Nearly 60 community leaders, including the mayors of Boston and Cambridge, demanded that the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority rescind the advertising agreement, claiming that the ads were helping exacerbate increases in youth violence in the area. Apparently, the ads themselves were fairly innocuous, and the controversy stemmed more from the product being advertised rather than any violence-inciting images in the ads themselves.

Soon after, Boston police joined in, claiming that games such as Grand Theft Auto "[condone] murdering police officers" and "threaten and risk the lives of police officers." Miami attorney Jack Thompson suggested that by running the ads, the MBTA was "participating in a criminal conspiracy."

The Boston Herald even asked some prostitutes about the controversy, with one supporting the demands to remove the ads and one responding that she herself enjoys killing prostitutes (and "everybody") in the game.

wow they asked hookers their opinion? god forbid they do a story about the dangerous often deadly world of prostitution instead of asking them about a ****ing video game

A similar situation has also arisen in Oregon, where GTA ads have been pulled by local transit authority TriMet. As far as the Boston case goes, the ads will not be pulled prematurely, but according to the full text of Grabauskas' letter, reprinted by Game Politics courtesy of Jack Thompson, the MBTA is revising its guidelines to prohibit future advertising of Mature- or Adults Only-rated games, though the decision was clearly reached very reluctantly. Said Grabauskas in his statement, "I urge you not to be too smug with the result. There is no victory where there was never a battle."

yet I'm sure there's plenty of ads for restricted movies about hacksaw weilding maniacs who cut unsuspecting teenagers into bite sized bits

Murder. Death. Kill.

John Spartan you have been fined 5 points for a profanity violation.

"**** Grand Theft Auto"

When are they going to get bored of attacking it weekly?
Lol, it's been nearly 2 years since I watched that movie. :p
omg didnt they do the same with the Terminator 3 adds?
God forbid our children be exposed to such concepts as death and prostitution.

And thank god for the media going to such lengths to protect them from such horrible imagery! *cough*hypocrites*cough*
Ugh. There was a train with a booze ad on it that runs through the college area, and it didn't garner as much attention as this :|
he they asked prostitues?
they are prostitutes what you think they will answer

"hey ms prostitute you are against the war?"
"yeah bicth iraq is wack ****e then all"
"are you against the black pope?"
"yeah bicth the pope is wack, once he pointed a glock at me ****e then all"
"are you against prostitution?
"yeah bicth whores is wack ****e then all, 100 bucks the ass in the hally 200 the rest"

btw the stern is angry
stern is always angry, that's why he's called "stern"

Pretty soon the "Marijuana kills" ads will be pulled off TV to make room for the, "I played GTA and....I stole a car and kill three cops. Be smart, don't be like me."
In completely unrelated news, you can now get the highly-acclaimed book: "Abu Ghraib - Fun At The Illegal Jail" for only 79.99$ at your local book retail outlet. 119 high-resolution pictures of pure, undiluted TORTURE!
Warning: May fuck your children up

Source: A goddamn ad in the subway
Can those senators even see the hypocricy?
You can take this job...and shovel it!

Heh...it looks like he finally matched his meat.
Pretty soon the "Marijuana kills" ads will be pulled off TV to make room for the, "I played GTA and....I stole a car and kill three cops. Be smart, don't be like me."

no it will be ads showing a kid whit a joystick and in the tv will show footage of real crimes and car thieves whit "GTA" and a "points scores" increasing at the top of the screen and when the mom find the kid the will trun the head and say "mom I played gta I must kill people" and from nowhere pull out a pistol and shot the mom and goes "dont let your children be a spawn of satan, ban GTA <at a speed of 3 seconds>send your kid to army<at a speed of 3 seconds> for the future of america, ad council"
By the way, Slashdot reports that a Louisiana Judge has 'pwned' a law by one 'j4k_th0mpSUN!1!' and another anonymous coward citing the constitution. Or something.

Slashdot said:
Carl Carlson writes
"A Louisiana judge has issued a permanent injunction against a Louisiana law banning the sale of violent video games to minors. The law was crafted by video game dilettante Jack Thompson and took a slightly different approach to the issue of regulating video game sales. Rep. Roy Burrell (R) and Jack Thompson had research that purported to show a causative link between playing violent video games and real-world violence entered into the legislative record in an attempt to buttress the legislation's shaky credentials. In addition, the law adapted the Miller obscenity test to the realm of violent video games."

Pretty soon the "Marijuana kills" ads will be pulled off TV to make room for the, "I played GTA and....I stole a car and kill three cops. Be smart, don't be like me."

They're actually starting with ads now that basically say marijuana is harmless... with the only harm being that you sit on your ass all the time while life passes you by.
Government ads: "Support the war in Iraq! Sign up for the military now!!!!!!!"

ACTUALLY means: "go kill people"

Business ads: "Buy grand theft auto!!!!!"

MIGHT mean: "go kill people"
Government ads: "Support the war in Iraq! Sign up for the military now!!!!!!!"

ACTUALLY means: "go kill people

Not nesseceraly.
Help other people kill people. Effectively.