Oh the technology!


Mar 9, 2005
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Once the graphical abilities of games get to the peak... what then? Do you think the games will become better gameplay wise? You know, like they should have been all along?

Graphical limits will be reached someday.. it's unavoidable.. What do you think will happen then? What will developers focus on? Will gameplay become a big concern..? Or will they make some crazy new systems that project some sort of image that makes your backyard a dungeon?

Fantasize a bit with me here.. what will gaems be like 20 years from now? The same? Or reborn somehow?
Yarr, here be my predictions:

Once we reach the pinnacle of graphics quality, the visuals will start to depend more on artistic style rather than photorealism. Rather than trying to recreate the world we live in, the industry will start creating games as a form of escapism; You can't escape into a world exactly like your own, so developers will create worlds that are largely unlike the real world.

VR will be in an early testing phase, and as such we'll still rely on fairly standard methods of user input.

MMO developers will thrive as in-game advertising pays for your account, and broadband internet becomes standard.

Basically, developers will rely heavily on unique gameplay and artistic style, as the "we have the most photorealistic graphics!" era phases out, and gamers become bored with the been-there-done-that "best war simulation ever!" cookie-cutter games.
mabufo said:
Once the graphical abilities of games get to the peak... what then? Do you think the games will become better gameplay wise? You know, like they should have been all along?

Graphical limits will be reached someday.. it's unavoidable.. What do you think will happen then? What will developers focus on? Will gameplay become a big concern..? Or will they make some crazy new systems that project some sort of image that makes your backyard a dungeon?

Fantasize a bit with me here.. what will gaems be like 20 years from now? The same? Or reborn somehow?

There will be stuff like completely realistic environments and objects. Say it called Half-Life 6. Wherever you hit the wood with your crowbar, it breaks in that spot. Environments are destructible. Cars can be shot into pieces, striders legs can be blown off, etc. I guess this falls under extremely advanced physics..
You can't say that technology will reach a peak, the peak gets higher with each advance.

I'm sure 2000 years down the line, a highly advanced society will have immense technology yet will still better themselves regularly.
graphics that are truely photorealistic, in real time
An age of video game impressionism?

The Van Goghs of video game development.
One of the main reasons I want to live longer and quit smoking is so I can see what they can do with video games into the future

I remember seeing a holographic (you know those 3D hologram stickers that are like rainbow colored? thats how the game looked- the characters were like the holographic projected display on star wars)3D SEGA game called something like Time Traveler. It was in the arcades in the late 80's and it was really cool - the game sucked but everyone played it to see this.

I have a feeling shit like that will be done again-but way better.

I also have a feeling shit like that and virtual reality will be the only thing to bring the arcades back

here's to the future! :cheers:
Kouler said:
There will be stuff like completely realistic environments and objects. Say it called Half-Life 6. Wherever you hit the wood with your crowbar, it breaks in that spot. Environments are destructible. Cars can be shot into pieces, striders legs can be blown off, etc. I guess this falls under extremely advanced physics..

Heh you didn't read about the Physics Processor Unit did you?

It has all those things you speak of, and it's coming out at the end of this year :P

Such as it will dynamically break an object from where its struck (so you could like have a cottage cheese model due to bullet holes) and nothing will be defined by break points.. the PPU will also do fluid, hair, fur, cloth simulation among others :cheers:

I think that along with graphics, we will develop new controls of gaming... I mean you can only do so much with a keyboard/mouse... If you compare the LIMITED ammount of moves you can do in a game like Half-Life 2 (run, walk, jump, crouch, "jog" or normal movement) then you compare it to what real people can do, you realize we have a long ways to go... Even Splinter Cell still has to go a long way (unless they recently put in a swan dive which would be sweet as hell for the game)
VirusType2 said:
One of the main reasons I want to live longer and quit smoking is so I can see what they can do with video games into the future

I remember seeing a holographic (you know those 3D hologram stickers that are like rainbow colored? thats how the game looked- the characters were like the holographic projected display on star wars)3D SEGA game called something like Time Traveler. It was in the arcades in the late 80's and it was really cool - the game sucked but everyone played it to see this.

I have a feeling shit like that will be done again-but way better.

I also have a feeling shit like that and virtual reality will be the only thing to bring the arcades back

here's to the future! :cheers:

Some incoming links to the game I refered too. Mind you you can't see 3D on your monitor the way the game had holographic 3D.

also. correction. game copyright 1991


more screenshots


full search


Anyway You have no idea how awe-inspiring this was in 1991 - everyone thought it was the future. Anyway to see it in real life would be the only way to grasp it. I just remembered it played like Dragons Lair though so its like controlling the outcome of a movie with a controller. not real-time

It looks like they re-released it on DVD ROM for PS2/Xbox or something with 3D glasses to view it with.

idk too lazy to read. u do it
mabufo said:
Once the graphical abilities of games get to the peak... what then? Do you think the games will become better gameplay wise? You know, like they should have been all along?

Graphical limits will be reached someday.. it's unavoidable.. What do you think will happen then? What will developers focus on? Will gameplay become a big concern..? Or will they make some crazy new systems that project some sort of image that makes your backyard a dungeon?

Fantasize a bit with me here.. what will gaems be like 20 years from now? The same? Or reborn somehow?

Ok, assuming technology has reached the point where it can't go any further with realism.

at first it will be lots of showing off, basically like the train coming towards the camera in one of the first movies ever made. Gameplay will probably suck at first, just while people go oooh and ahhh a lot.

Then extreme sport games will take hold, everyone will be doing all sorts in these instead of doing it for real

then some kid will do something stupid and suddenly the games are to blame

the government will step in, and start spoiling it for everyone with silly laws

scientists will one week say the technology is bad for you, the next say its good.

parents will complain a lot as kids basically never leave their rooms cause their hooked into these new machines

because of the nature of them, and being so realistic they could shock someone to death easily. It'll end up where you need to pass a medical before you can play games. And certain games will be banned, becoming underground and the new warez

as someone else said MMORPGS will become huge, and probably be more like eXistenZ and people will begin to struggle to see whats real and what isn't.

Safety protocols will be put into them so you know its just a game and realism will begin to get old fast, new games will then be more surreal and strange, every 10 years someone will have a bright idea to remake an old classic :)

Bodies will strangely NOT become weaker as its discovered that interacting inside these games has the same effect on the body without actually having to keep fit, and certain meds will help people go longer as the same toll is taken on the body.

movies and games will finally become the same thing, physical interactions will fade in favor of interacting virtually

somebody will marry a virtual character and have virtual children and live a virtual life... but nobody will think this strange



3Drealms will still not have released DNF, HL2 still wont have HDR, people will look back on UE3 and laugh at how lame it looked and then we'll all be killed by an alien invasion... or maybe it was just a game we played and didn't realise?



its 300 years from now, and we're all hooked up to 21st century gamer, where you play the part of someone back in the early 2000's posting on a forum. With all the reality sims, doing mundane tasks you'd never do in real life has become a national past time.
Trees will grow in real-time and everything will have insides rendered for supper-gibbing where you can cut any piece of something off.
Innovations in gameplay are all that will remain.

I think it's approaching this quickly. Granted, we'll all keep saying "wow this is pretty and this game sounds great", but things will have to change eventually...some of this shit is getting either boring or repetetive....