oi...it b=hurts


Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
woke up abou 80min ago the whole thing took 120mins the inserte a plastic tube in my Head and then sucked out blood/fluid the hole itsself is not bigger then a
2cent piece It hurts really bad like someone knocked ypu on the heah and also its very hot on that area of the head almost boiling hot

Il be back

on Monday my current Laptop specs are 64ram 866MHzP3 4gig HD sapce
Games installed Dark Forces and Mario (some cheap Mario ripp-off)
lol good to see your up and about, see toldya wouldnt be that bad! Just sucked it all out. Have a good recovery man, take it easy from now. :)
they gave me 2 shots........4guys had to hold be cuz I was freaking out that was very embarrising
Meh what does it matter, in the end you got surgery to do something important. Embarrassing was the least of your worries. You shouldnt be staring at a computer screen really, should be resting damnit!
its kinda cool actually leing in a nice bed with a laptop I should buy myself one
my eyes dont hurt it that certain part of my Head just above my ear
Did they drill in? Interesting to know the whole procedure!
Did they put cybernetic implants that give you super powers, incredible reflexes so that you can do HL2 in 10 minutes without losing any HP?
yup they did "drill in" its really really tiny thoe I cant see it since my Head is all wrapped up and I couldnt get up to go to a mirror and look at it
Dang, will that'll leave a scar meaning no hair will grow on that spot. My bro fell backwards off a fence and cracked the back of his head open, so now he has a little white slit where hair never grows.
This is love people, you come out of surgery, you wake up, GET ME A LAPTOP HL2NET NEEDS TO KNOW IM ALIVE. This is the ultimate community! :D

Can you feel the lack of headaches and pressure on your head now?
Hectic Glenn said:
This is love people, you come out of surgery, you wake up, GET ME A LAPTOP HL2NET NEEDS TO KNOW IM ALIVE. This is the ultimate community! :D

Can you feel the lack of headaches and pressure on your head now?

Im an addict and I also wanted some Games ro play so I asked my uncle for is Laptop

edit: it hurts more then before right now
Glad to see you up and about again :thumbs:
get some rest now! best of luck in recovering (it's over with :) )

sorry to hear you had to go through all this however, your a strong kid :cool:
<3 lemonking glad you didn't die or anything silly like that.

darkforces is a kickass game too, so have fun with that :D
I can tell from your spelling and grammar that they got you pretty drugged up. :D
I'm so glad your brain is ok. :)
And can someone please explain the title of this thread to me.
What I hate about having a surgery is getting naked.
Were you afriad of the shots or the blood-sucking? It seems to my like you're more afraid of the shots than the other one...
Lemonking said:
Im an addict and I also wanted some Games ro play so I asked my uncle for is Laptop

edit: it hurts more then before right now
Well dang, reverse surgery!
..Oh wait, we threw out the liquid we took out and all we have is this nitro glycerine.....
Hell! Throw it in, its all the same, you know?
Great idea doctor!
Dang, we threw out that chunk of head, lets just use this wine cork

morningstar said:
yay, food to hear you're doing better.
...Does that mean we get food?
Yay, you're back. Too bad they didn't accidently replace your brain with a cyborg brain...
Yeah that's too bad...though cyborg brains really aren't all that crash hot imo.

Good luck with recovery and hopefully you have some hot nurses. Unfortunately when i had surgery i had a lot of male nurses, and one kept asking "Are you getting hot, do you want me to take your robe off" ???

"No thank's I AM OK for now." :|
Make sure you go pass by a microwave ASAP to disable the tracking device the undoubtedly planted inside your skul..
ship said:
Make sure you go pass by a microwave ASAP to disable the tracking device the undoubtedly planted inside your skul..

And the mind control chip.
ship said:
Make sure you go pass by a microwave ASAP to disable the tracking device the undoubtedly planted inside your skul..

Excuse me, I believe you are raping me in the ass.
Do you have the desire to kill all humans?

In which case, you should go see tracer tong.
Shodan said:
Do you have the desire to kill all humans?

In which case, you should go see tracer tong.

Ah, Deus Ex, great game.

Back on topic, glad to hear it's over :)