Here is what Im planning. Everyone wants to make a mod right? The perfect dream is to make a video game about what ever you want? And the perfect game makes a dream come true, thats why people play it. SO! I need some ideas for a mod. I want to build a mod that everyone can say they love and has good models, maps, and most imporant, is fun to play. It has to have a fast pace game style and make you always think about it during work and school. And it has to be multiplayer. I have a few ideas but I need some ideas. Anything will work. SO far im thinkin some kinda fast pace maybe even future type ninja that can run fast, hide in shadows, walk on walls, sit in corners of roof, bad @ss katana, ect. VS something else? Maybe not, but everything is welcome! And i need some ideas! If your inerested in helpin me out creating a mod email me at [email protected] ill take anyone that can do something. And if not just post your ideas here