Ok i dont know if any one else noticed this...


Dec 28, 2005
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But the Borealis is the same ship from the half life 2 missing information mod designed after the E3 ( i think it was a demo, i dont really know ) videos. That was the exact though that had popped into my head when i saw the back end of the ship on the screen in EP2.

EDIT: I have looked it up on youtube and thats exactly what it is ( just wanted to double check )

( sorry if this is old news or something completly obvious, just thought I'd point it out if it hadnt been already. )

I know its a ship, but now the question im asking and I think ever one else is asking... what the hell is on that ship and what does it have to do with aperture science?!?
Uh, yeah, its kinda obvious to anyone who read RtB. Borealis was one of the HL2 cut levels, but I think they'll redesign it and add more stuff now that it is certain that its going to be part of the game.
well not every one read RtB. I never got to read it cuz i guess its out of print now.
I am sure there are ways you can get your hands on it, if you look hard enough. *wink*
yeah, well i dont want to look very hard, and right now it would be pointless with out money.
My *wink* was about getting one without spending any money, but that would be up to your moral compass to decide if you want to get one that way.
haha, no I'd much rather have the actual book. I dont think I'd read if it where in a pdf, i barely read at all now.