Ok, so I'm choosing between 2 games...


  • Modern Warfare 2

    Votes: 18 42.9%
  • Dragon Rising

    Votes: 10 23.8%
  • Other - please don't choose this unless you really have to

    Votes: 14 33.3%

  • Total voters


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Despite what I have read about Dragon Age, or wahtever, I dislike RPGs, especially 3D RPGs in general (I had fun with Oblivion for a while until it got too repetitive, WoW and the like have zero appeal to me), so I'm going to get a FPS before I expire.

So, Modern Warfare 2 and Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising (ARMA2 doesn't seem to have come out here)

#1. For both, is the multiplayer any good? I'm more of a singleplayer guy, but a good multiplayer never hurts. I had good fun with BF2, anyways.

#2. Singleplayer? I loved the first MW, but Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis.... that was a bit too hard for me. I still had fun with it though.

#3. Costs: MW2 - $40, OFP:DR - $30.

#4. Other Suggestions - FPSs are prefered, but anything good is fine. Just make it something from 2007 and upwards. :p

EXTRA QUESTION Anybody know of any good space FPS, like Dead Space? I suddenly feel likeI need to play a sci-fi FPS.
If you are more of a single player guy, Modern Warfare 2 is probably not for you, considering the campaign is a mere 5 hours. The meat of that game is in its multiplayer and co-op Spec Ops.

That being said, I've heard that Dragon Rising wasnt a great throwback to the original series, and that Arma would be a better choice (but as you said you dont seem to have that option).

Taking this into account, I suggest picking up S.T.A.L.K.E.R. if you dont already have it. That game has a bang for your buck in its single player, especially with all the amazing mods out to keep it looking and playing at its best.
between those two, I would choose MW2
never really liked the OF series and military sims in general

however, if you're taking suggestions, I would say spend your money on Left 4 Dead 2 instead
superior to both games IMHO
ArmA 2 sucked. Buggiest, most unpredictable game ever. I'd say Operation Flashpoint 2. Its a mix between the super arcady shit that is MW2, and the super realism that is ArmA2. I had more fun with OP:F2 than I did with either MW2 or ArmA2.
Oh Ok, thanks guys. :D I'm not sure about Left 4 Dead 2, because I find that I usually upset people with my lack of talent in those co-op games.

On a side note, some publishers aren't even bothering to sell in Korea, because people keep pirating the games instead of buying. Like the first MW. Millions played that game, but it sold like 40,000 copies.
Of the choices, even despite all the venom Modern Warfare 2 has met with, Operation Flashpoint 2 has just managed apathy at best. There isn't really a contest: only one of those games is good enough to be criticised for not being drop-your-pants incredible. Oh, and you even get to go to space for about thirty seconds.

Those Space-Sci-Fi FPS games... perhaps it's just best to list any space FPS games good for at least a quick blast:

Halo 2 (Well, you may not have played them. And their 'space missions' are as good a reason as any to play them)
System Shock 2 (Hmm... Is Bioshock or Dead Space more like System Shock 2?)

Hmm... I thought I'd come up with more than that. Fallout 3 has that Mothership Zeta DLC? Every Unreal Tournament has at least one space level? System Shock 2 is part of a seriesl? Aliens Versus Predator by definition must have at least one space + airlock moment?

Sod it all and play the Plants Versus Zombies demo before the Steam midweek deal expires, because you may just like something entirely different.
My god. I'm getting overloaded again by games to play in teh future.... games that I don't have money for. This was what I was getting worried about.

Anyway, I'll prolly get MW2 then.... For how much... I dunno.

I'll try demos, I guess. :p Thanks alot guys.
Both of them are pretty shitty to be honest, I would go with Left 4 Dead 2. I've had some pretty great experiences with it, and it's easy to get into. Either that or Borderlands.

You could also consider some smaller indie games like Shattered Horizon, Serious Sam HD, or Killing Floor. They are all pretty good for multiplayer, and you can get all 3 of them for the same price as MW2.
A Korean who hates repetitive gaming particularly as it pertains to RPGS?

You're a rarity amongst your countrymen numbers!

My god. I'm getting overloaded again by games to play in teh future.... games that I don't have money for. This was what I was getting worried about.

Anyway, I'll prolly get MW2 then.... For how much... I dunno.

I'll try demos, I guess. :p Thanks alot guys.

Look for System Shock 2 in the bargain bins.
Wait and get Rogue Warrior, you play a US special military operative and get to slaughter Koreans(Northern ones) mercilessly!

You'll love it!


From a review of it:

"The real tragedy of Rogue Warrior the video game isn't just that it seems to have become a generic shooter with a notable faced slapped on it, but that it effectively condenses nearly forty years of service in Vietnam, the SEALS and anti-terrorist units down to a string of profane catch phrases and two dozen absurdly violent kill moves."
i liked the first couple hours of mass effect and then lost interest...which SUCKS because i've heard great things. i might attempt a full playthrough soon.

my 2 cents - MW2 or L4D2 (screw everyone else, play at your own pace)