Okay... now im angry. I cant fix the water...



Okai, Ill explain the problem, and would be very happy if someone could find it in their hearts to help me out. :upstare:

My water on this map i ****ed up, it worked on previous version of the map.
And the funny thing is I didnt do anything to the water in this version. It just got ****ed up.... :hmph:

So if someone could find out what happened, im adding the map saves. Could someone fix the water for me, and/or tell me how they did it?

Link to the saves of the map.
materialPath: d:\steam\steamapps\stigern2k\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\materials
Loading D:\Steam\SteamApps\stigern2k\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\mapsrc\gm_ed_thepark_b4.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0 . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 **** leaked ****
Entity light_environment (684.00 1218.00 1916.00) leaked!


You got a leak. No, I'm not going to find it for you. Load the pointfile. (Map - Load Pointfile)
Yes, I tried that, but it only points to a "decal", and thats not where the leak is?

Lol, the pinpoint file is pointing to my "light_environment", how could that be a leak? :LOL:
I don't know if I understand the technical details of leaks, but here's how I think of it. When the lights are calculated, it sends a whole bunch of rays from each light source and bource around to see what surfaces should be illuminated. If one of those rays exits the map without being stopped by the proper type of world geometry, it is a leak, and lighting cant be calculated. That's why the pointfile point is directed at your light_env.

The other side goes strait through the ground. Why? Because it's a displacement surface. Displacement surfaces are not a vis blocking surface. The following cannot be used to seal a map from leaks: Displacement surfaces, decals, sprites, and entities (including func_brushes, func_details, or any form of prop_ or func_). What does this mean? If you have a func_detail, it cant seal a map. 'world' geometry must be behind it. same for a prop, like window facades, fake doors, whatever you might have that's not a regular, un-'tied' brush. And for displacement surface, you must place a vis-blocking surface behind it.

So: Create a nodraw brush underneith your displacement surface to seal it. The displacement surface should be like the surface of the water in a swimming pool, and the nodraw surface should be the bottom and/or sides of that pool, up against your existing geometry. If the seal isn't perfect, you'll get a leak.

That should do it for ya. :thumbs: GL
I didn't read what you said (I only read long enough to see that you were completely correct).

Anyway, the pointfile points from some kind of entity, through the leak, and out to the void. That's how you find it. It can be hard to spot sometimes too.
but, I dont get this, I made a brush, a brush and hollowed it to make it like a box, and then I applied a brush nodraw, and on the surface a water brush.

But when I play I can see trough the box, and when I jump into the water it is normal.
It just like suddenly i cant make water :p

Before it was no problem. Argh, im going nuts.....
If you have a leak, then VVIS doesn't get run properly, and any water in your level turns invisible from outside. You have to fix the leak before it will appear.

(Technically, this happens because the TESTFOGVOLUME content flag doesn't get set on leaves that can see the water brush. One of VVIS's jobs is to do that).
put a cubemap above your water and type buildcubemap into the console...fixed it for me, before my water was not there from the top view but if you crouched underwater it was.

Also how do you get it to buildcubemaps automatically instead of having to type it in each time?
Dr.breen said:
put a cubemap above your water and type buildcubemap into the console...fixed it for me, before my water was not there from the top view but if you crouched underwater it was.

Also how do you get it to buildcubemaps automatically instead of having to type it in each time?

Well if you have a Dedicated server, you can make a .cfg with buildcubemaps to be run on mapstart. Might **** things up though because you need to load it first and it needs to be a clientcommand, not a server one. Possibly you could use mani-admin-plugin or the likes to run a command on your own computer, after ~5 secs of joining, should be enough.

Edit; Oh, and no, there's no easier way.