Okay weird question concerning achievements...

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Deleted member 56031

Can I deliberately teamkill my AI bot teammates so to help with some achievements like singlehandedly kill a tank or revive an incapacitated teammate outside the saferoom?

Are there are any detriments to this? I'm sure I can't get banned obviously and it is only bots. However I heard there was planned to be some sort of thing that tracked stuff like TKs.

EDIT: just heard that stat tracking thing was canned, can't believe I didn't know about that after all this time :P
Go into console (I assume you know how) and type kick Francis, kick Bill, kick Zoey, and there you have it.
hmm that's interesting but that won't help me with the Back 2 Help achievement :|
First level of No Mercy - make it to the first safe room with all your bots, then kick two of them. Run up, shoot the alarm, run back in to the safe room and close the door. The other bot will probably get incapped, and you could even possibly help by shooting him a bit. Then, once he's incapped, shoot through the door and kill all the zombies, walk out of the safe room, help him up. Success.
Oh well. Isn't shooting them an easier idea though?
sv_cheats 1 - Must be done first for any of these to work.

god 1 - Enables god mode - cannot be hurt

noclip - Enables/disables flying around

nb_blind 1 - Makes the zombies unable to see you (they can still sense when you touch them)

nb_delete_all - Clears all infected/infected bosses/Survivors

z_add - Adds a single infected. We bound this to a key to do the above video.

z_spawn bossname - Spawns a boss infected at your crosshairs. Put whatever boss name you

wish: tank, boomer, smoker, witch, hunter

give weaponname - Equips your with that weapon

cl_drawhud 0 - So you can't see the HUD

r_drawviewmodel 0 - Makes your weapon invisible

z_common_limit <number here> - Increases the amount of common infected the director is allowed to use at any given time.

some console commands i found, hope they help.
Some more here: http://left4dead.wikia.com/wiki/Console_commands
I thought it didn't give you achievements with cheats on O_o

And if it did work I bet it would get my achievements reset
Getting achievements is so stupid if you don't do them right, especially for this game.

It's like going to a trophy store and buying a trophy with your name engraved on it.
Getting achievements is so stupid if you don't do them right, especially for this game.

It's like going to a trophy store and buying a trophy with your name engraved on it.

Good analogy. Props.
For reviving incapiciated survivors, I kept shooting them till they fell to the ground and then reviving them, then when they were dead, I restarted the campaign.
I've got most achievements except about 6-7. And i just played the game naturally, never with an achievment in mind.
I'm missing, I think, 10ish? The only ones I remembered to get were silly ones like "leave safe room and save someone."
Getting MAN VS TANK is so friggin' funny. Whilst I thought it is impossible without staging with friends, it turned I got it from an expert campaign server. I threw a molotov on a tank, then my teammates and I ran away. Suddenly, I got MAN VS TANK achievement. Getting achievements are fun, especially when you are not expecting to get it. Try not to cheat so much.
Somehow I have the "Single handedly kill a tank" achievement....HOW/WHEN THE HELL DID I DO THAT?
According to my achievement listing, the first one I got was Man vs Tank. Not quite sure how that happened. I think I got Towering Inferno at the same time, too. I recall the end of Death Toll being the level I killed my first Tank.
FYI, it took me forever to figure this out, but if you go for the achievement where you aren't healed the entire campaign, holding either a medkit or pills will prevent bots from healing you.

Edit: Yeah, I received Man Vs Tank at the end of Blood Harvest randomly (everyone knew I hadn't earned it). Just a bug.
Somehow I have the "Single handedly kill a tank" achievement....HOW/WHEN THE HELL DID I DO THAT?
Somebody did that on the server and it auto gives it to the server operator. Another known bug.
Oh, that explains it. I wonder who I stole that from.
I got back 2 help without even thinking about it, guy went down just outside of the safehouse and I went to save him. I remember my first acheivement I got was barfbagged and I got that on my first boomer attempt.
I don't 'operate' servers... D:
Operator/Owner, whatever. These are some other bugs related to achievements:
- You can cheat achievements with an exploit. [confirmed]
- Lambs for slaughter Community Achievement will NOT register for anyone. [confirmed]
- The "achievement updated" sound plays every time if you protect a survivor even though you already have the body guard achievement. [confirmed]
- For any achievement that takes a whole campaign to complete (upset stomach, nothing special, the individual campaigns, the expert achievements, etc.), they MUST be completed on a dedicated server. Otherwise, only the local -host- will get credit for the achievement. [confirmed]
Haha, I thought that sound was just supposed to be for protections no matter what.

Huh, does anyone know if the no heal/no incaps achievement is like the Zombicidal Maniac where only the rounds where you successfully get to the safehouse count? Or do you honestly have to not heal or be incapped the entire campaign? Because I think I should've earned both.
dunno. If you really want it, you can start a single player campaign in easy to get it.
I think LAMB 2 SLAUGHTER is easiest to get on No Mercy at the end of the first map, when you are infected because that's when the hunters gang up. One gets in safe room the other person get's pinned the guy who went inside the safe room comes out to save his friend and another hunter lurking in the dark corner jumps on him.
I got Limb 2 Slaughter in game, but it is not shown in the community page... :(
I know just for some reason I have never got it O_o
Only achievement I've ever done aiming only for the achievement was Akimbo Assassin in singleplayer, since I was bored and was also downloading Bioshock. The finale was pretty fun though.

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