Oklaholma at it again- Censorship

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Dec 9, 2005
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Editorial Roundup: Oklahoma Paper Slams New Video Game Law

"It won't work."

So says the editorial board of the Muskogee Phoenix about Oklahoma's new video game statute.

As reported on GamePolitics, Gov. Brad Henry signed HB3004 into law earlier this month. The video game industry filed suit against the Oklahoma bill on Friday, just two days after the Phoenix ripped the measure, saying, "Oklahoma's new law that prevents the sale of violent video games and material to minors is an example of the state trying to micromanage morality, not violence."

"It won't work," the Phoenix continued, "and it doesn't address the problems we have with violent behavior in the United States. It's simply another law that police will have to enforce without offering additional resources to law enforcement to do the job."

"...responsibility must begin in the home... Some things are definitely inappropriate for children and harmful to them, and society has a duty to protect young people. But if it's wrong for minors to view a game that 'depicts lead characters who resort to violence freely' - as the new law states video games do - then minors shouldn't be watching Indiana Jones and a host other characters who freely and gratuitously indulge in violence."

It's not the first time the Muskogee Phoenix has weighed in against video game legislation in the Sooner State. GP's December article "Muskogee Editors Side with ESA on Game Legislation" chronicled a war of words between video game bill sponsor Rep. Fred Morgan (R) and ESA President Doug Lowenstein.
Seriously, ffs, stop making these newsflash threads, they're all on the same topic.

You should just make one thread about gaming censorship, and post all your updates there :)

Could somebody quote this pls? I think he still has me on ignore ;(
sinkoman said:
Seriously, ffs, stop making these newsflash threads, they're all on the same topic.

You should just make one thread about gaming censorship, and post all your updates there :)

Could somebody quote this pls? I think he still has me on ignore ;(

It would make more sense for all of this news to be in a single thread. Just call it Double_Blade's Political Gaming News Thread and update in there.

Now as for this news, I'm rather surprised that they're still trying to enforce this law. Good on the Oklahoma Paper for countering this as it's a silly bill to begin with. If the State really wants to make it more difficult for minors to purchase "adult" things, they should also target other items that kids shouldn't be accessing without parental consent like mouthwash (poisonous) or Aspirin (choking hazard).

It's almost like when the school bans peanuts beacuse of the off chance that one kid may be allergic. If I was allergic I wouldn't go anywhere near the cafeteria. Why should everyone else be prevented from enjoying a peanut butter sandwich because of the misfortune of one or two people?
A True Canadian said:
It would make more sense for all of this news to be in a single thread. Just call it Double_Blade's Political Gaming News Thread and update in there.

Now as for this news, I'm rather surprised that they're still trying to enforce this law. Good on the Oklahoma Paper for countering this as it's a silly bill to begin with. If the State really wants to make it more difficult for minors to purchase "adult" things, they should also target other items that kids shouldn't be accessing without parental consent like mouthwash (poisonous) or Aspirin (choking hazard).

It's almost like when the school bans peanuts beacuse of the off chance that one kid may be allergic. If I was allergic I wouldn't go anywhere near the cafeteria. Why should everyone else be prevented from enjoying a peanut butter sandwich because of the misfortune of one or two people?

man come on these are kids we're talking about ..as a parent I'll gladly not give my son peanut butter if it means he wont accidentily negatively affect someone ..I've seen kids faces swell up in a matter of seconds when exposed to things they were allergic to (which means their throat swells up making breathing difficult) ..if not for the fact we had an epipen and a nurse on staff we would have rushed to the hospital ..it could have been too late in some cases. You dont even have to ingest it ..simply being near it (kids touch everything) could cause an allergic reaction

video games are not life threatening ..allergic reactions can be
no biggie ..it's just that these sort of things only become an issue when you're a parent ..a few years back I would have said "peanut butter for everyone!"
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