Old game comercials!

Here's some REAL old adverts: http://www.back2roots.org/Pics/Scans/Adverts/Update//240/ :D

My favourites:
http://www.back2roots.org/View/688 Attack Sub Advert,1/
"New standards of realism, 3D graphics and excitement" "Screenshots represent the IBM version, we think the Amiga version looks even better!"

http://www.back2roots.org/View/Beneath a Steel Sky Advert,1/
Beneath a steel sky, damnit!

http://www.back2roots.org/View/Cabal Advert,1/
One thing's for sure, they had a hella lot cooler adverts back then with kickass artists.

http://www.back2roots.org/View/Nam 1965-1975 Advert,1/

http://www.back2roots.org/View/Team Suzuki Advert,1/
"Ultra fast filled 3D simulation"

http://www.back2roots.org/View/Total Recall Advert,1/

http://www.back2roots.org/View/Ghost 'n Goblins Advert,1/
"Choice of 5 weapons with which to fight", "28 enemy characters to overcome", "4 way scrolling effect".. Oh, and yeah, this game rocked. :D Those toys look neat aswell!

http://www.back2roots.org/View/James Pond Advert,1/
Lamest game ever.

http://www.back2roots.org/View/Lemmings Advert,1/
The makers of this ad probably said "Let's turn the letters to all kinds of directions, that'll attract some customers!". Well, it worked.
LOL why would ANYONE buy a NES after watching that :laugh:

btw, notice that games have become more mainstream with each generation?

Atari + NES = basically no adverts, games are for g33ks only
Mega drive + SNES = great games, more kids start playing
PS1 + N64 + dreamcast = Loads of kids play games, even some popular comercials
Ps2 + gamecube + Xbox = Suddenly loads of people play games, there are adverts everywhere (probally due to EA :/ )
I don't know which Zelda commercial is crazier, that one, or this one here:


X-Entertainment has a bunch of old commercials for games and stuff. Mostly just weird things from the 80s.

Does anybody remember the Sega Genesis commercial that had the kid telling his dad he wants Sega Genesis and Game Gear for Christmas? The father is walking through the toystore, trying to remember the name of it while seeing all these other toys and Christmas decorations, and when he gets up to the sales lady he asks if she has "Mega Pegasus for Reindeer."
CrazyHarij said:
[Lots of stuff from BTTR]
Good on you for hitting bttr and not just being a lipservice "oldschooler" who doesn't even know what S3M means. =]
WHOA NICE GRAPHICS. But yeah some of the commercials there I was just starting to get into NES at the time, cant remember ever watching them though.
i have an old monkey island 1 commercial :)

these commercials are so fun to watch.