Old, longtime banned members


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Are any of you still in contact with some of the more nefarious banned members who were banned a long time ago for whatever reason.

I think it'd be kind of interesting to know what they have been up to.

One name that comes to mind is the infamous Ikerous. Tried finding something on his whereabouts today, but had no such luck.

Anybody you guys are wondering about? People who have been banned and forced away from the site.

Some of them are still around, but we won't talk about those ones.
Those are some good names. Burn is someone else that I wonder about sometimes.

Oh wait, hes on my facebook and MSN.

Whatever happened to Knghenry
What about old hippies like Foxtrot and Ghost...
I used to talk to Cavalry all the time but I haven't seen him in a few weeks.
I wonder what ever happened to abu5tani. He was too cool to be banned.

Damn you Samon.
Not banned afaik but where the hell is Brian Damage? :/
Not banned afaik but where the hell is Brian Damage? :/

His last activity was the 25th of February this year. He made a comment in his profile. I made a comment in it too, so maybe he'll see it again and pop back.

Comradebadger has been around as late as the 29th of February this year. Good to know. In his last post he detailed that he was real busy and whatnot, so he's just living life.
Some of these members are still around, if you know where to look :)
Some of these members are still around, if you know where to look :)

If you have the capacity to look. Write up a list of people who are active there that have been posted in this list!
I haven't heard from Brian in a while, actually. I hope he is not burned to a crisp.
I talked to Ikerous fairly recently on AIM for a bit.
KngHenry anyone? He is still lurking, waiting for the moderators to let their guard down. Perhaps he is even here now, posing as one of our trusted members...
Maybe he exists in spirit and talks to us through the first letter of every post.

What's that, KngHenry? IiIKPMM? Ah, you're hungry.
I have ikerous' aim, he gets on occasionally.
I admit I'm curious wether gh0st lived up to his promise of joining the military so he can kill brown/not so brown people in iraq

also I miss crazy ole Sgt.Slaughter, Bodacious, and some other guy who's name escapes me but is a cookie cutter of the previous two

knghenry is still around, I bet he has 10-20 active profiles and he just switches around when people get suspicious
Maybe the whole forum and website are now run and operated by KngHenry. All of you are just facades and I am the only real person here.
I've always suspected you of being knghenry ..I mean "dan" who the **** has an online name like Dan? NO ONE THAT'S WHO
Not you, we're talking about Jen. Or Lemonking. Or something.
even knghenry wouldnt be smart enough to disguise who he is by masquerading as knghenry
I remember how after KngHenry's ban, every second stupid thread starter got Samon's "Hello KngHenry" seal of approval. Given that this has now stopped, we're stuck with the problem of whether he finally gave up, or whether his final act of integration was to steal Samon's identity.

Princess Jen is every female member on this forum. (Is the important word 'female' or 'member'?)

edit: of course, the only hypothesis is that KngHenry above is Samon. It's halflife2.net's very own kooky bodyswap comedy. She's the Man with better production values.
so many names over the years, I can't even remember. I remember everyone mentioned in this thread though. I miss all the conservatives and whatnot that we ran out of town (community) on a rail, they made politics more interesting. I liked Ikerous a lot, miss that guy. Haven't spoken to Ritz/Burn since maybe a month or two after she left (which was back in the BF2 days). I could go on but it would take me weeks to remember them all and the list would be loooooong.

edit: dekstar, he wasn't that great... remember how he came back for a few months long after he initially left, then left again?
Bliiink wandered off somewhere and never returned.
I'm surprised no one mentioned OvA, especially with Raz's avatar.
Who was OvA?

Don't really miss banned members, guess only one I really miss whould be Virus, who somehow have lost posts during his absence from the forum.
Shasta/Stucco/Mc Bane

He had a go at me because I wouldn't post my computer specs :(
Not a banned member, but anyone remember Pai Mei from Rumours & Speculation? I think he became an engineer or something.