Old Storyline points you would like to see resolved in Episode one

  • Thread starter Deleted member 56031
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Deleted member 56031

This is my first post!

Anyway, i would like to see the Race X situation resolved and some of the GMan mystery revealed.
P.S. I am not sure but are Race X canon?
Race X are cannon. Valve have since announced that they will not be continuing the Race X storyline. Just as well, I hate em. ;)
I doubt we'll see Gmans true goals surface in Episode 1. We'll get a few glimpses of an answer, but we'll be left hanging to see where it goes in Episode 1, and since Gman loses control over Gordon we'll probably seeing a great deal more of him.

I'd like to see Breens role in the Black Mesa incident cleared up. We already know the Combine weren't on Xen, and that Xen was a refuge for Combine escapees but what exactly did Breen expect when he urged the science team to conduct the experiment that morning - why was he relying on Gordon to fail?
Samon said:
Race X are cannon.
Blimey, we'd better watch out for loud bangs and falling iron balls then.

I've never played the Race X stuff, and it would only server to complicate matters tbh (more so for those who never encountered them).

I reckon VALVe will fall back on the age-old excuse of - "wizards did it". It's only natural.
Unfortunately, we'll never see the awesome, amazing Race X again as Samon pointed out.
Race X sucked so bad. Gearbox almost managed to put me off boss fights in FPS games for good. The worm? Good lord. Cheap rip-off of Star Wars coupled with it's lame attempt at mimicking the tentacles in 'Blast Pit'.

Then the last boss. Hoho, good lord. We get an amazing build up to it. The final few chapters leading toward it are superb. I was pumped. And then, there was this gay looking portal. I mean, it didn't have a fleck of imagination to hold to it...it was like, purple, and green. And then...this stupid thing came through. That I laughed at. Then I just...yawned my way through it. And laughed again.

Race-X fail.


This is not a Race-X debate. We've been there done that. So lets just, take it to pms if it starts getting nasty! Clearly, the new guy does not want his thread ramshackled.
Well I'm a complete Adrian Shephard whore. Anything involving him gets my utter praise :p

Except for that Opposing Shephard mod. That was just hilariously bad.
What did Adrian Shephard do? Apart from, you know, be a typical, generic marine who's work was pointless since it was all going to blow when Black Mesa was nuked.
Look, you know what? Shephard/Race X discussion ends here. Ya hear that?!
To be continued at another time ;)

I want to learn more about G-Man obviously. Like, who does he work for. Who do they work for, are they in a union that provides free dental and health care.

But seriously, maybe we'll learn why his employers specifically picked Gordon over the HEV users or even Adrian and Barney. They're all survivors are they not? The only thing Gordon has over them would be knowledge of theoritical physics.
Probably because Freeman accomplished so much more than they ever did. Black Mesa had numerous survivors, but none kicked as much ass as Freeman. Barney and Adrians adventure is a little tame compared to Gordons. Barney's more so.
And Gordon managed to push his way into another world and kick absolute alien butt.
Yeah, but Gman was specifically watching Gordon and Adrian from the beginning. Why not Gina...and the other girl...or Barney?
Probably because he saw more potential in Gordon. Ultimately he had to choose someone. Why not the man who opened up the barrier between the worlds and subsequently led his race to the slaughter house at the hands of the Combine?
Apparently at first, it was Adrian who was chosen to kill the End HL1 Boss, But Freeman kinda beat him to it, by entering the Lambda portal to Xen, and Adrian not recievin the orders from a Scientist or something to kill that thing. So all in all Adrian Fails when it comes to Freeman :D
I somewhat doubt the G-man was watching Freeman from the beginning. Their paths did cross numerous times; however, the G-man was only going in the direction he needed to go, and Gordon tailed him because that was also where he was heading. They both needed to reach the Lambda Complex, it would seem. Whether G-man really had an eye on him from the beginning is a question I hope we'll see answered in one of these episodes. G-man ultimately picked Gordon Freeman, but he had more of an overt hand in guiding Adrian Shephard. I think Freeman was picked because he was so unexpected, and did so much more, as Samon said.

I too am interested in hearing more about the G-man. I want to know more about his "employers," more about these deals he makes and who he makes them with. And for what price and purpose.

Also, Samon, do you really think Breen wanted Gordon Freeman to fail? I don't think he had any intention of opening resonance cascades or permanent portals to Xen. And definately nothing of the Combine. I think he was urging the science team to conduct the experiment simply because he could...the sample was the purest they'd seen, and they might never get an opportunity like this again. The results could be phenomenal, so he had them push forward no matter what.

Oh, also, welcome to the forums AHA-Lambda.
*at the above*

I think that's all possible, but I just find it too strange a coincidence for Breen to be linked with urging the ill-fated experiment and then managing to inherit control of the planet.
Thanks for welcoming me guys
Race X are cannon. Valve have since announced that they will not be continuing the Race X storyline. Just as well, I hate em.

Thanks for that although it seems rather strange for it to be canon and not be continued although like i said they were rubbish.

Also another point i would like to see resolved is what about the other Xen creatures(especially those that did not originate in Xen like the Grunts and the Controllers)? Will they fight with you against the Combine or against you because you defeated them and freed their slaves (the Vortigaunts)?
Darkside55 said:
Also, Samon, do you really think Breen wanted Gordon Freeman to fail? I don't think he had any intention of opening resonance cascades or permanent portals to Xen. And definately nothing of the Combine. I think he was urging the science team to conduct the experiment simply because he could...the sample was the purest they'd seen, and they might never get an opportunity like this again. The results could be phenomenal, so he had them push forward no matter what.

Well, I'm pretty sure that when he's trying to escape via the teleport reactor he sometimes says "I'm relying on you to fail again Dr. Freeman. Just as I relied on you back in Black Mesa." Unless that was a cut line...I can't remember.

AHA-Lambda said:
Also another point i would like to see resolved is what about the other Xen creatures(especially those that did not originate in Xen like the Grunts and the Controllers)? Will they fight with you against the Combine or against you because you defeated them and freed their slaves (the Vortigaunts)?

With Earth a wasteland inhabited by nothing but Xenian wildlife I'd expect a few Grunts roaming it. As for the Controllers - I doubt they'll join you. They aren't really that nice :p
I want to know what g-man accepts as payment. `Cos it's probably not money.
I want a little bit about the G-Man. Not the entire truth behind him, that would be better kept for later, but I think Ep One is the perfect time for revealing *something* about the G-Man.
Personally I want to find out more about the G-Man, his motives and of course who are his mysterious employers. Knowing what exactly he gets out of all of this would be nice too.
Gman, of course, and the "third power" sound intressting enough.
Also how Alyx survives the blast, is it not just big enough, or does something save her? hmm... Id go for not big enough.
My understanding is that Alyx and Gordon are in the same boat. I don't think Alyx is put into stasis by Gman (I maybe wrong) but from what I gather, you resume control of Gordon immediately after the end of HL2. Therefore the blast mustn't have been too intense, and thus both Alyx and Gordon survive??
I liked Race-x. The bosses were so-so, but the gonomes, pit drones, and shock troopers were fun to fight. I wouldn't say no if Valve included Race-x into Aftermath. Honestly, the things that stick in my mind that I want to know are fairly trivial.

For the record, it's spelled 'canon' in this context.
I want to find whether Rosenberg survived or not, even if it's only from a line Kleiner or Barney says.
e.g. Kleiner: "It's a pity Dr. Rosenberg died when the Combine invaded, his presence would have aided the resistance effort considerably!" or Barney: "Watch out for those head-humpers, the little bastards killed Dr. Rosenberg."
After reading the thread about some of the stuff everyone found in the Ep 1 GCFs, maybe the Vorts saved Gordon and Alyx.
Samon said:
Race-X fail.


This is not a Race-X debate. We've been there done that. So lets just, take it to pms if it starts getting nasty! Clearly, the new guy does not want his thread ramshackled.

But I'm a guy.

I'm also for Race-X fail.

Langolier said:
*at the above*

I think that's all possible, but I just find it too strange a coincidence for Breen to be linked with urging the ill-fated experiment and then managing to inherit control of the planet.

Yeah, I want to find out more about Breen.
TollBooth Willie said:
After reading the thread about some of the stuff everyone found in the Ep 1 GCFs, maybe the Vorts saved Gordon and Alyx.

They did, yes.

Eejit said:
I want to find whether Rosenberg survived or not, even if it's only from a line Kleiner or Barney says.
e.g. Kleiner: "It's a pity Dr. Rosenberg died when the Combine invaded, his presence would have aided the resistance effort considerably!" or Barney: "Watch out for those head-humpers, the little bastards killed Dr. Rosenberg."

Yeah, I'd like that.
The rest of the scientists would be cool to see... some vortigore action or more of their history
more aliens or such... i mean, zombies, combine and antlions can only get you so far

and samon your quite zeolos in your hate for opposing force content etc.
Its just a game, calm down man
Yep, I'm known for my immense dislike for Opposing force content. I know it's just a game, but it's good to argue about :p
I don't really want to know alot about the G-man, and I mean ever. I would love to know more about his motives in this particular scenario but as for who he is, where he comes from and how he likes to recive his pay-checks. I don't want to know.

The fun about G-man is having him shrouded in mystery. Trying to explain everthing about him would probably end up a let down. I belive what we don't know but have alot of theories about is way more exiting than what we actually know. Atleast in most cases. :)
I want to know everything about the Gman except his origin and true form.
I want to know his thruw form, maybe its this:
I wonder if you could put multiple G-mans (in their true form) in your mouth, and then run around on a market day, and then everyone will look at you at say, "He's got a mouth full of crabs!" And then you start jumping around like a psychopath.
*head explodes from so much theory being asserted as fact*
what exactly did Breen expect when he urged the science team to conduct the experiment that morning - why was he relying on Gordon to fail?
Apparently at first, it was Adrian who was chosen to kill the End HL1 Boss

Why not the man who opened up the barrier between the worlds and subsequently led his race to the slaughter house at the hands of the Combine?
Gordon had no knowledge of what would happen. Why pick someone because of something they did entirly unintentionaly. I don't know if the g-man was watching Gordon from the begining as he did Shephard (The fact that Gordon's sponser was never revealed (unless it's Kleiner) hints that he may have been) but I doubt it was him pushing a trolley that interested the g-man. More likly his kick-assery.

Well, I'm pretty sure that when he's trying to escape via the teleport reactor he sometimes says "I'm relying on you to fail again Dr. Freeman. Just as I relied on you back in Black Mesa." Unless that was a cut line...I can't remember.
I think you may have been dreaming :rolling:

I liked Race-x. The bosses were so-so, but the gonomes, pit drones, and shock troopers were fun to fight.
Not to reveal gman whould be like getting a christmas gift and not open it.