Old warcraft movie preview?


May 20, 2004
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HEy guys and gals... my bud and are are trying to remember soemthing. Back on the warcraft 2 CD their was a preview for a animated movie. Now im not sure if it ever made it out to video or VHS, or if it was suppose to be a game. But does anybody know what it was goin to be called? Or what it was about. All i remember is a ork infant taken and raised by the humans. Everything else is a blank...

Any help would be much abliged!


no i dont think soo, i remember it being done in animation. not computer generated scenes:|
It was actually supposed to be an adventure game using cartoon graphics. It was to follow a young orc protagonist raised by humans.

Despite being on the PC Gamer cover that year, it was canned.
it was called unite the clans or something.

Then story for it got rehashed into the the first of the warcraft novels and is referenced in warcraft 3
Lord of the Clans it was called..
It was an RPG, was cancled due to it was just technically outdate. They couldn't make the engine do what they wanted it to do, they were moving to 3D the game was 2D...ended up getting rid of it.

Hell Starcraft was almost rid of for almost the same very reasons(minus the 2d/3d reason). But a programmer said if he was givin 2 months he would massivey modify the engine to fit there needs. They all agreed and look at Starcraft now, one of the most played RTS's still today.

In WC3 it is refrenced because Thrall was a slave type orc who eventually rose iup and united the Orcs. Who is the leader in the Orc Campaign? Thrall.