Oliver Stone's teaser poster for new movie "W"


May 5, 2004
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Official Plot Synopsis: Whether you love him or hate him, there is no question that George W. Bush is one of the most controversial public figures in recent memory. In an unprecedented undertaking, acclaimed director Oliver Stone is bringing the life of our 43rd President to the big screen as only he can. W takes viewers through Bush?s eventful life ? his struggles and triumphs, how he found both his wife and his faith, and of course the critical days leading up to Bush?s decision to invade Iraq.

W stars Josh Brolin as George W. Bush, Elizabeth Banks as Laura Bush, James Cromwell as George Herbert Walker Bush, Academy Award? winner Ellen Burstyn as Barbara Bush, Thandie Newton as Condoleezza Rice, Jeffrey Wright as Colin Powell, Scott Glenn as Donald Rumsfeld, and Ioan Gruffud as Tony Blair.

quotes from the leaked script:

Pages 21-22: After being accepted to Harvard Business School, W. downs a pint of Wild Turkey, drives onto the lawn of his parents' Washington, D.C., home, and challenges his daddy to a boxing match. George Sr. is pretty reasonable: "My advice to you?go to an AA meeting." George W. is pretty adolescent: "Thank you, Mr. Perfect. Mr. War Hero. Mr. ****ing-God-Almighty."

Page 1: Ever wonder how W. and company came up with the phrase "axis of evil"? Maybe it went something like this:

Chief Speech Writer: "Axis of hatred?" I don't know. Something about it ? just misses.

Rove: Well, then what about "Axis of the unbearably odious?"

Bush: Don't get cute, Turdblossom. This is serious.

Chief Speechwriter: What about ? "Axis of Evil?"

Bush: "Axis of Evil." I like the ring of that. That's it.

Pages 74-75: When British Prime Minister Tony Blair says he's concerned about "sectarian violence in the aftermath" of an Iraq invasion, W. tries to reassure him: "They'll be grateful for freedom, the last thing they'll want's 'nother war. Sunnis, Shias, Kurds, you know, in the end they'll stick together, they're all Muslims, anyway, (chuckling) and they gotta pray five times a day."

sounds ...interesting
Interesting? That's all you have to say? No attempt at making some stupid Bush joke? For shame, stern.
Why is this movie even being made?

What the ****, Mr. Stone?
I'm actually anticipating this movie...Anything to laugh at Bush any more is OK in my book.
Stone's bullshit movie about Fidel was also "interesting". But I'm sure that people like Stern will love it.
Stone's bullshit movie about Fidel was also "interesting". But I'm sure that people like Stern will love it.

do you know many people like stern? you seem to because you seem convinced they'll love the movie so you must know them fairly well to make that declaration ...hey look CyberPitz is anticipating the movie ..he must be one of those "people like stern" ..hey CyberPitz you're just like stern ..like long lost brothers ..the stern brothers together at last sharing our love of Bush-hating like only Stern people can do ..oh those sterns and their irrational hate of bush and love of fidel ..they should do something about those stern people they're a menace and I'm pretty sure they're illegals, ****ing deport them to Kanada
TBH I'm done with laughing at Bush, and I'm thankful seeing more Obama and Hillary. I'm just waiting till he leaves along with the rest of the world.
I hope they don't try to play it entirely straight. Or rather, I hope they play it straight, and that it's hilarious.
Alexander was pretty decent. Not amazingly great, but good.
I liked both JFK and Nixon, and I know not to take them too seriously for their historical accuracy. But they were entertaining, well-done, and impressed so heavily with that hammering Oliver Stone style you either love or hate. And Nixon, while taking its fair share of liberties too, I found had just enough style to overcome its inaccuracies and capture the tone of that time and administration, perhaps in ways a strict biography could not.
This looks hilarious. I'm positive now that it's going to be played completely deadpan - and thus completely amazing.
They should of got in the guy who played Blair a few times on UK TV rather than mr Fantastic.
Lol @ the choice for Blair. The 'Mr. Nice Guy' of the acting world. James Cromwell ftw tbh.
THis looks great!! A man with a scarred past overcomes his flaws to become PRESIDENT of the AMERICA.


A quick question though, how the ****ing shit did he become a president? How the ****ing shit shit shit in hell.

Mission accomplished.
Why is this movie even being made?

What the ****, Mr. Stone?


Also congratiulations on choosing the actors that look the least bit like the people they're supposed to be interpreting...
I dont see the point in this movie. The guy is a fool and idiot whats new?
Also congratiulations on choosing the actors that look the least bit like the people they're supposed to be interpreting...

Eh. What if the people who more closely resembled them sucked at playing their parts?

I don't care how much they look like their real-life counterparts. Anthony Hopkins didn't look like Richard Nixon either, but I'll be damned if he wasn't channeling the man. The only thing that matters is they can portray their personalities accurately.

Sometimes you can't have it both ways.