Olympics: Athens 2004



So im guessing some of you are excited right?!?! I am!! how many hours are they showing it where you live, do you do an olympic sport, have you gone to the olympics? did you go to olympic trials? This is basicallly the main thread for olympics. As for me, I kayak flatwater. My coaches have both gone to the olympics 4 times. w00t!!!


i do the first pic, only in kayaks, not canoes. flatwater starts on the 23rd. I hope they broadcast it.


and the official site: www.athens2004.com
You're in the Olympics?
And by the way...does anyone know how many medals China has won?
I know that they won the Men's 10m sync platform and some other ones, but I forgot
Edit: Nevermind, 14 medals right now.
We are in the lead.
No, im not in the olympics. im 13. (although there is a 15 year old swimming.) by "we" i meant "we" kayakers. I kind of realized my mistake as I wrote the post. China is in 2nd plce but 1 hour ago it was 1st. Hehe, we the man. we=america
Yeah, that sucked. I just refreshed the page and I was like, " WTF!?!?!?!?!G0f damnti!!133121!".
Good job America.:cheers:
Paul Hamm was amazing yesterday in Men's gymnastic finals.

It seems to be broadcast 24 hours a day on BBC 1, which is highly annoying. I'm not an olympics fan and really can't wait for it to end.
i wish i had extended cable i'd be watching many more sports. i get the highlight events in the evening on nbc. last night with Paul Hamm was badass. More swimming today and i'm watching the Women's individual all-around. i love the Olympics. It's extra special for me since it's being held in Greece. I was in Europe in 2000 and our class went to Greece for 10 days. Athens is amazing. Too bad the Parthenon still has scaffolding on it(did in 2000). I ran a 200m dash in Olympia against the guys in our class (50 of them) and beat them on the historic spot. They showed footage of Olympia where they had the shotput. And they're running the historic run from Marathon for the marathon. I'm a nerd but i think this is the coolest olympics ever. The US this year has an amazing swimming team. They rock. We're kicking some ass in the pool. Can't wait till the Athletics(track & field) picks up more. If i could i would watch the olympics 24-7.
Pity the city selection proccess is still all corrupt, it ditracts from a great event. To be honest, havn't been paying that much attention.

(Not just saying that cuase I come from the-country-that-seems-to-have-an-aversion-to-winning-better-known-as-england lol)
go canada! we've totally gotten 1... bronze medal... so far... heh....heh... woo? :sleep:
The Olympics kinda turns me off the world for a couple weeks actually =/ The only sports I enjoy watching are the shooting and the diving. Australia goes ape-shit about the Olympics - especially the swimming - and that's really the majority of what gets reported because it's one of the sports we do well at, but it annoys me. I would like to see more coverage of the Table Tennis :)
No one is there... have you looked in the audiance? It's like empty...
Many audience members are from overseas and therefore cannot adjust to the time zone. It looks pretty full at night.

GO Canada!!
We were so going to get Gold if that chinese prat haden't of kept complaining about every decision made against them and disrupting everyones concentration.
JonTheCanuck said:
go canada! we've totally gotten 1... bronze medal... so far... heh....heh... woo? :sleep:
Canada is clearly a Winter Olympics nation.

Btw.. I agree that we need more Table Tennis coverage. It is so fun to watch those folks play 10 feet away from the table.
CyberSh33p said:
frankly I want the olympics to end so I can watch conan again :(
Damn straight! The Olympics are totally Roledex, but I need my Cone-zone.
he better not be, dal, he's by far the only latenight show worth watching, unless you're into skinemax, and he's far funnier than the bald oversized fetus that is jim norton!

and shadowfox: damn straight!
I live in Maryland, but right now im in Colombia. These dumb asses only transmit 1 hour a day!!!! ****ing retards, fortunmately everyone is angry at the media, so this one channel is starting today to transmit a lot. In mexico they transmit 10 hours, and in argentina 21!!!! Olympics rock.

Teble Tennis is awesome. But kayaking is awesome too, they are so ****ing fast, K1 Men 1000 meters (K1 is a kayak for 1 person) is finished in 2:30!!! 1000 meters in 2 minutes and 30 seconds, then we have the K4s those make such big waves, OMG!!! Ofcourse this is olympic caliber, my K4 makes a big wake, but nothing compared to a olympic caliber boat.

Gimnastics is pretty sweet too. They}re like 10-16 yearolds there. Man, winning a medal at sucj young age has to kick ass.
ATI4EVER! said:
I live in Maryland, but right now im in Colombia. These dumb asses only transmit 1 hour a day!!!! ****ing retards, fortunmately everyone is angry at the media, so this one channel is starting today to transmit a lot. In mexico they transmit 10 hours, and in argentina 21!!!! Olympics rock.

Teble Tennis is awesome. But kayaking is awesome too, they are so ****ing fast, K1 Men 1000 meters (K1 is a kayak for 1 person) is finished in 2:30!!! 1000 meters in 2 minutes and 30 seconds, then we have the K4s those make such big waves, OMG!!! Ofcourse this is olympic caliber, my K4 makes a big wake, but nothing compared to a olympic caliber boat.

Gimnastics is pretty sweet too. They}re like 10-16 yearolds there. Man, winning a medal at sucj young age has to kick ass.

In Holland they broadcast all day, but mostly uninteresting sports.. I like swimming (broadcasted) and basketball but thats not on tv :(