
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
so old lol...well it only really applies to organic models with a lot of polygonal detail.
mindless_moder said:
so old lol...well it only really applies to organic models with a lot of polygonal detail.

what he said
hmmm. doesnt look that good.. its nice but not great.

Hmmm, I think its pritty dam amazing tbh. I have been testing and using it today and its very powerful. If you setup your seams correctly you have very little editing to do. Also, the new Style system in 3dsmax8 rocks. I have been playing with it all day making different hair styles :D
Don't bother. Some of us are happy with what we use.
Like Milkshape 3D, which, might I add, is a castle of awesome.

-Angry Lawyer
crackhead said:
im just trying to open your eyes to the new world.

XSI is not as good as your believe it is imo.
well it is as good as i believe it is as i use it and find it alot better than other software.
That simply rocks though, most of the time my models are quite complex so, about time if you ask me. Thanks for the heads up IchI
if u made hair like on the tutorial could u actualy use that in source or would it not be a polymesh or would it be too many polys?
This looks pretty damn good. I truly suck at unwrapping objects that are slightly complex.
crackhead said:
if u made hair like on the tutorial could u actualy use that in source or would it not be a polymesh or would it be too many polys?

Not feasible for most games. It's more fitting for prerendered cutscenes.
CommandoSR said:
Not feasible for most games. It's more fitting for prerendered cutscenes.

WRONG! The hair system can be used in very thin layers of mesh. The system is very flexable and it allows you to do quite a lot of things. although the primery function is thin string like geometry it can handle plans with textures on. Try it out :D its very kewl, although most of my hair styles of sucked ass so far :O
Hell, that movie tells me everything i need to know how to unwrap easily, cheers IchI.

Hey, i just remembered you are the guy that posted some useful mapping tutorials :D

IchI ftw!
imho, the pelt mapping is ok..but definately not as good as unfold3d ( i'd say wings3d's uvmapping is better :) )