Omfg!!!!!! Yes!!!

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Deleted member 56031

My exam results just came in!! I got 5 A's!!! I've never been so happy!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Mine came in 2 weeks ago, I failed 1 class D:

First class I ever failed, but it's because the teacher was a dumb bitch, though. Not my fault.

Good part about it was that it's a half-semester class (counts as 0.50 credits), so when I take it again, and finish it half-way through the semester, I get that one class off!

For all the Canadians it's the mandatory careers/civics class. Passed civics, failed careers.

Nice job with your A's, though Lamb. :thumbs:
That sucks, i have to wait to sodding August 16th for mine.
Just inc ase no one knows I live in the UK and I done my Higher exams. Also 5 is the max amount of suubjects. :D
i made it through high school.

here i come college.

and thats all that matters.
i made it through high school.

here i come college.

and thats all that matters.

*sings* this is the dayy, your life will surely change, this is the dayy, when things fall into place *80's synth music plays*
August 16th for mine aswell ah well. i don't have high hopes :dozey:
*sings* this is the dayy, your life will surely change, this is the dayy, when things fall into place *80's synth music plays*

To be honest, when you first came here you annoyed the shit out of me, but posts like this are forcing me to warm up to you.

5 A's? Damn good achievement, congratulations, lad.
Congrats :D

Get my results August 16th. Hoping for a BB in Gce Applied ICT. AB or even AA would be awesome :D
Double-award nub!
I was merely commenting the extensive use of acronyms, GTFO LOL.
Thanks guys :D

As a reward from my parents I'm getting a wii, a DS and a flat screen tv :O

Well Im reckoning a ABC (lol), but hopefully an ABB, enough to get me into manchester.

My rewards? I will have proven wrong everyone who doubted me in college (especially my history and computing teachers who fought I was lazy) and not to mention I would proven wrong my mum so I can laugh in her face.

Oh and a wod of cash.
Awaiting mine on August 16th also, Business Studies and English Lang. will be a walk in the park hopefully, however Edexcel ICT... well that was a laugh riot. Only around 45% of A level students last year achieved a C or higher... but I'll not go off on a rant about my incompetent teachers, as I'll probably have a stroke.

Also congrats, wooyay etc.
Congrats! :thumbs:

August 16th for my results too. I'm thinking BBC at the very best..and that's being optimistic.

If only I didn't doss the last two years... :p
What exams are these for? What's out on the 16th?
Well done Lambsa :thumbs:

Five A's is a very good achievement, where you off to Uni if you are going?

Gotta go sort out some Uni stuff, failed a module by 1% and want to get it sorted out :D

You must be one of those people who actually studies :(
Well done Lambsa :thumbs:

Five A's is a very good achievement, where you off to Uni if you are going?

Gotta go sort out some Uni stuff, failed a module by 1% and want to get it sorted out :D

Yeah I'll be going. Think I'll go to Glasgow to do medicine :D
If only I didn't doss the last two years... :p

Who doesn't? lol, I think I was told I had the worse attendance record last year rofl.

I basically dossed for the year and then just studied it all in the summer, as far as I am concerned, the only way I have done well in all my exams in the past, is primarily for the studying I did, lessons do nothing for me except bore the socks off me.

With one exception however, history, both in secondary and college, was different, as I remember pretty much everything we did in lessons because it was a really interesting subject. But what teachers need to realise is, that if the lesson is boring, the students will learn **** all.
****ing August 16th for me toooooooooo.

wai does I has to wait so?!
On my last exam, I got given a little piece of paper allowing me to see my results through the internet from 6am onwards on August 16th. The results just like hit you in the face as ou log in, instead of scurrying through a wod of paper.
I have my public exam result out on the day after tomorrow. It will determine whether I can get to further study or I need to find a job. :|

Bless me.
I get my AS results on the 16th. Art, Product Design and Music Tech. Pretty sure I've done well in Art, Product Design was abit of a bitch because the exams went so-so and the only thing I'm fairly confident about Music Tech is the actual exam, the coursework was meh. (I blame the criteria, as I do the exam questions for ProDes)

Kinda dreading it to be honest, but I'm looking forward to seeing how accurate I am at judging my education.
Wait a second. They don't have A Levels in Scotland? :rolling:

I never got to call anyone a nerd when I was in school, so here ya go. Well done!