Omg Hax!!1



"OMG H4X!!1"

That phrase has caused me and so many others out there grief to no end. It's become so rampant that as soon as someone gets a lucky shot or someone's score gets even remotely good, they are marked by other players as "using hax."

Back when Counter Strike was still in beta and it was gaining popularity, people would blame their lack of skill on lag. Now that broadband is in almost every gamer's home, the new scapegoat has been Hax. Despite what the majority of people online think, hax are not that rampant. In the months I've played CS:S I've only seen 2 speed hax, and I have yet to see a wall hack.

I've tried my hardest to be a graceful loser in CS:S. Every time a player who is down on their luck (low kills:deaths ratio) I congratulate him or try to make him feel better about what he's done instead of just saying "OMG H4X!!1" I even try to defend the high ratio players when others charge them with the sin of using hax, when obviously the AWP they've been using for the last 5 rounds and their ability to aim are the real culpret for their high score.

This is just my ranting, I know it won't do any good... but the next time someone is accusing another for using Hax, watch them for a round and defend them. I'm fed up with good players leaving the server because six people are threatening to report the good player to the admins just because he's good at what he does. Go go good guys!
Yeah it's sad. In the early days people would actually congratulate you for a good round. Now if I kill more than 3 people on the trot, I almost feel like I should tone down to escape the accusations and votes.

Luckily I royally suck 90% of the time ;)
Chiablo said:
"OMG H4X!!1"

That phrase has caused me and so many others out there grief to no end. It's become so rampant that as soon as someone gets a lucky shot or someone's score gets even remotely good, they are marked by other players as "using hax."

Back when Counter Strike was still in beta and it was gaining popularity, people would blame their lack of skill on lag. Now that broadband is in almost every gamer's home, the new scapegoat has been Hax. Despite what the majority of people online think, hax are not that rampant. In the months I've played CS:S I've only seen 2 speed hax, and I have yet to see a wall hack.

I've tried my hardest to be a graceful loser in CS:S. Every time a player who is down on their luck (low kills:deaths ratio) I congratulate him or try to make him feel better about what he's done instead of just saying "OMG H4X!!1" I even try to defend the high ratio players when others charge them with the sin of using hax, when obviously the AWP they've been using for the last 5 rounds and their ability to aim are the real culpret for their high score.

This is just my ranting, I know it won't do any good... but the next time someone is accusing another for using Hax, watch them for a round and defend them. I'm fed up with good players leaving the server because six people are threatening to report the good player to the admins just because he's good at what he does. Go go good guys!
OMG u is posin properlike u mus b use gram + spel hax
OMG!1 I = Been phound out!1

DON'tXx0r t3ls my l337 clann!!!?1
I trust any sentance that has numbers to replace letters.
Nudger said:
I trust any sentance that has numbers to replace letters.

Indeed. How could you not trust anything that looks so totally sweet and cool?
I find that an easy way of avoiding these accusations is to be rubbish at CS:S; I'm doing it on purpose, I really am. Really.
I like when people say I'm cheating.. happened for the first time the other day and it was quite flattering :p
bliink said:
I like when people say I'm cheating.. happened for the first time the other day and it was quite flattering :p

It's a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling until the whole bloody server start complaining, using sentances like:

[SARCASM]0MG wtf f*ck n00b h4xur![/SARCASM]

Over and over and over, until it burns into your retinas, and then due to repeat vision disorder it turns into the only thing you can say. That sucks.
nobody has ever accused me of cheating...i wish that would happen soon so I feel better...I should probably learn how to dominate a server, first...does anyone know of a server where really sucky players congregate so that I can look good and get accused of being an ub0® haX0r?
someone accused me of cheating in deathmatch.... I was in this little brawl with him ... me with grav gun him with smg, he barely hit me... heck.. I even accidently threw ammo and a med kit at him... eventually a radiator happened near me and I destroyed him to hear OMFG BULL@$!!$!$!$!

anyway... in CS.... if someone gets a good shot on me, I ALWAYS say "GREAT shot!" (When they can hear me) ... or grenades, I always say nice toss ... I always say gg... I hardly have the time in a firefight to care if someone's hacking or not, I think I win fights against every hacker I've seen on the other teams... speed hacks do little more than make me wonder if I'm lagging lol

I have seen maybe a couple wallhackers... I remember spec'ing on this guy who propped himself up in some corner behind some stuff... in my spec of him he could only see the wall...but somehow, as if with psychic powers, he would jump out at precisely the right moment and land a perfect headshot on anyone who crawled through an opening near him... skills? hacks? now thinking maybe he has the sound so high he can hear the footsteps? who knows... I know that it was sure easy to beat him by just getting behind him and/or getting him into a 1 on 1 firefight...forgot his name though while ago
bliink said:
I like when people say I'm cheating.. happened for the first time the other day and it was quite flattering :p
wont happen again, so enjoy it while u can :p
Yeah, I had someone say I haxed the other day on HL2DM. It was my first time playing that map too. It was a pretty cool map though.

I generally don't get called a hacker in CS anymore because I've changed how I play quite a bit. I used to be sneaky and listen to footsteps etc and people would think I wallhacked although I now rush a lot and I also like to use the pump shotgun. Get some nice kills in a row but I usually do die at the end of the round anymore. Oh well. :)

Of course when people call me a bunny (with the shotgun) I switch to one of the following ak/colt/scout/usp for the next round and shut them up.
I've noticed that people tend to moan more when people have a high score than when people blatently speed hack. I've only every seen 2 speed hackers, maybe 3, can't remember, but I have seen alot of good people getting accused of hacking. It's just pathetic that some people are pathetic loosers.
I had never played CS until Source came around, and in the first two weeks of playing, I realized how totally f*cked up CS' hitboxes and CoF system is. You can be crouched in front of a guy no more than two feet going full auto with an AK and hit nothing but air. It's ridiculous. Eventually I realized this, and also how the M4 and AK have perfect accuracy on their first shot, which pretty much makes them sniper rifles. Now, I don't mind it as much as I used to, but this is one reason why all new players to CS call "h4x" on every mildly skilled player.

Coming from DoD especially, I can't explain how flabbergasted I was when I could try and unload my clip into a guy who was running into my face and not hit him.
Blame Valve for making such a big deal out of hax that it becomes a race to see who can get more people in trouble so that one can satisfy their own ego-centralistic ideas and desires.
OMG i know. I was like 1 foot away from the guy pumping him with my AK then he turns around, shoots me once, and then it says that I did zero damage to him. This happens the most when using the AK.
I must admit it's great to be accused of hacking, gives oneself an enormous sense of wellbeing:)

However except for a couple of occasions when some people were getting really agro at guys who obviously weren't cheating, the only times I've seen the OMG!HAX111 comments have been lighthearted comedy comments or a bit of mild ribbing. I suppose it depends which servers you go on (as with most things) as to which way the comments are meant. Try playing with the same groups of people, I use a few servers regularly, even when new people come in mouthing off, they're not a problem because the regulars don't let them become a problem. If they come back at all after they've had the treatment:E then you usually find they've quietened down a lot; since nobody likes being called something rotten as soon as they get on a server, everytime they get on
the AWP is as bad or worse than hacks... why the hell did valve put it in CS:S??