OMG Help with plants PLS!!


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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My tallest morning glory is infected with these little yellow worms!!!!!!!!! D: D: D:

Can anybody help me get rid of these bastards? The oldest two leaves are the only ones infected atm, but I think there might be a couple worms in one other leaf.

They are these tiny little yellow worms that are inside of the leaf. They eat the inside/green parts of the leaf, but leave a thin layer of skin. There trails look like these completely clear lines on my leaves, with a tiny black streak giong through the middle of the clear spots.

How do I get rid of them? can I just cut off the leaves that are infected, and save my plant?

I'm thinking that they may have come from my moms basil when I moved my plants in for a few nights. The plant that was infected was sitting right next to the basil, so it they could have migrated over.

Either that or it's comming from the sealed spraybottle of water that I mist their leaves with.


EDIT: I found out that they're infected with Leafminers (which are basically fly larvae).
Flamethrower. :thumbs:

actually on a more serious note, call pest control.


I would think you'd be able to cut off the leaves with no significant damage to the rest as long as the mother isn't still alive to produce more offspring.

Just try burning the leaves you cut off so the larvae don't grow and leave their offspring in your other leaves.
I would think you'd be able to cut off the leaves with no significant damage to the rest as long as the mother isn't still alive to produce more offspring.

Just try burning the leaves you cut off so the larvae don't grow and leave their offspring in your other leaves.

Good idea :)

Yeah, I cut off the leaves and burned them.

I'm guessing that what happened, was my mom brought home a basil that was infected, which she leaves in the house. A few nights after she brought it home, I brought one of my morning glories (the one that was infected) inside, because it was too windy for it to set to a vine.

I'm guessing that the night I brought it in, one of the pupae hatched, then layed eggs in my plant, cause that one plant and the basil indoors are the only plants in my neighborhood with leafminers.

Well, I hope she lives. Only got 2 or 3 leaves now, but she set vine a few days ago, so she should put out a few more leaves overnight.

How can I keep flies away from my plants, without using pesticides?
Fly repellent.

"In a spray bottle mix 1 part liquid dish soap, 1 part vinegar, 3 parts water. Spray on goats. Sounds strange but repels flys."

OK, so it says it's for goats, and it's on a website called... :P. But plants, goats, what's the difference.

I think it will work though. I've done the dish soap trick before. It repels ants... gets in their exoskeleton and irritates them. Something like that.
My nana uses something like that on her garden and it seems to work.
Fly repellent.

"In a spray bottle mix 1 part liquid dish soap, 1 part vinegar, 3 parts water. Spray on goats. Sounds strange but repels flys."

OK, so it says it's for goats, and it's on a website called... :P. But plants, goats, what's the difference.

I think it will work though. I've done the dish soap trick before. It repels ants... gets in their exoskeleton and irritates them. Something like that.

Just gave that a go, and it smells like shit, so I can definetly see it repelling SOMETHING :)

Crap, I hope that mixture is ok for the Basil. It's leaving these small black bruise looking spots on the leaves.
[caboose]i suggest you get another hangover ooorrrr you dont get another hangover...[/caboose]
Go to a place that sells pesticide, and get some insecticidal soap.
Go to a place that sells pesticide, and get some insecticidal soap.

Would this compromise a vegetables edibility?

EDIT: I pulled all the infested leaves off my moms basil, burned the leaves, then quarantined the basil indoors, where the miners will stay the **** away from my morning glories. Then, I searched the soil in her basil for a few minutes and shot anything that moved with a steady stream of flaming butane, then toasted the entire lot of soil in the pot.

Still looking for some sort of natural fly repellent : /
Edi what now?

I thought morning glorys were flowers?

Um, depending on the brand it will or won't. Some pesticides are safe enough to sprinkle on your corn flakes, usually the powdered ones. Read the label and it'll tell you.
Edi what now?

I thought morning glorys were flowers?

Um, depending on the brand it will or won't. Some pesticides are safe enough to sprinkle on your corn flakes, usually the powdered ones. Read the label and it'll tell you.

Morning Glories are Annual vines, which I hope to grow as perennials since we don't get any frost in Hawaii.

Think some fly papper nearby the plants would do?

And i've been hearing Eucalyptus Essentials in water could do the trick. Thoughts?
You could try water with seaweed or sea algae in it. It strengthens plants even if they're not infected... I'm not sure if it'll be any help here, though.

In my experience, pesticides kill the plant as effectively as the pests. :/
You could try water with seaweed or sea algae in it. It strengthens plants even if they're not infected... I'm not sure if it'll be any help here, though.

In my experience, pesticides kill the plant as effectively as the pests. :/

What does that mixture do?

I'm really reluctant to put any sort of salt water inside of my soil rly : /
Fly repellent.

"In a spray bottle mix 1 part liquid dish soap, 1 part vinegar, 3 parts water. Spray on goats. Sounds strange but repels flys."

OK, so it says it's for goats, and it's on a website called... :P. But plants, goats, what's the difference.

I think it will work though. I've done the dish soap trick before. It repels ants... gets in their exoskeleton and irritates them. Something like that.

Yeah, that shit is WAY too concentrated. Nearly suffocated my moms basil, and once I figured out how it was harming the plants. I had to do an emergency wash of all my plants I had put it on.

Not to mention, I sprayed a roach I saw with it, and it died instantly. I mean like, 2 or 3 squirts, and the bastard fell off the wall dead.
Yeah that mixture seems very PH unbalanced. I'd try either excluding the vinegar entirely, or just diluting it far more.
It's used to spray on the leaves, it somehow mysteriously makes them more resilient to harmful infections and such,´you should not let it fall on teh soil! :) I've used it during the winter on my plants inside the house and it's easier to cover the dirt.
Have you considered eating the morning glory seeds instead? Moron.
Have you considered eating the morning glory seeds instead? Moron.

A true moron would take store bought morning glory seeds and eat them straight.

You don't know how long those have been sitting in storage, what kind of fungus detterant the companies used, or if they used any sort of systemic pesticides.

I'm growing them to eat FRESH.
FRESH with worms!



Flies lay eggs in leaves, eggs, chill out in leaves and eat up little tunnels, hatch and ditch the leaves.

Leaves only. They don't bug the flowers, which means the seeds are worm free.